This Week in Bamboo (August 30th, 2015 – September 5th, 2015)

List Search Simple Web Part Release 2.5 was released to Bamboo’s store this week with new improved features along with a minor release of Discussion Board Plus and the patch of World Clock and Weather Web Part.  Please see below for more details about the new releases.

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.5.56 (File version 20.5.56)

New Features:

• Highlight search terms and keywords in the result set.
• Select a list view at runtime to determine which columns appear in the search results.
• Fill-in Choice column values are populated in the dropdown selection options.
• Improved keyboard navigation and accessibility support for Choice and Lookup columns search fields.

Resolved Issues:

• Ability to apply custom CSS to Choice and Lookup column search fields.
• The PDF icon type is not displayed in search results.
• Plus (+) and minus (-) symbols within quotations (e.g. “John + Jane”) are treated like AND/OR operators.
• The Web Part displays an error when accessing sites using Unified Access Gateway (UAG) with Internet Explorer 10 browser.
• Searching for Choice or Lookup values containing quotation marks (“”) may display incorrect search results.
• Searching a metadata column using anonymous access display a “Result: Access is denied” error.

New Known Issues:

• Lookup search values are not highlighted in the result set.
• The Web Part is not supported for SharePoint publishing sites.
• Altering the search criteria and re-running the search after editing search result items may display a JavaScript error.
• Editing a Choice column value from the search results may display a JavaScript error.
• Searching Data and Time column values in Unified Access Gateway (UAG) environments may cause the page to refresh.
• Upgrading Bamboo’s Grants Management Solutions Accelerator with List Search Simple version 2.5 may cause textbox styling issues.

No New Limitation.

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

New Features:

• Highlight search terms and keywords in the result set.
• Select a list view at runtime to determine which columns appear in the search results.
• SharePoint callout menu support for document library search.
• Fill-in Choice column values are populated in the dropdown selection options.
• Improved keyboard navigation and accessibility support for Choice and Lookup column search fields.

Resolved Issues:

• Ability to apply custom CSS to Choice and Lookup column search fields.
• Triggering search after disabling dropdown menus for Lookup columns may return an error.
• Plus (+) and minus (-) symbols within quotations (e.g. “John + Jane”) are treated like AND/OR operators.
• The Comments column content of Issue Tracking lists is not displayed when exported to Excel.
• Ability to filter calculated column values using the column headers.
• Searching for Choice or Lookup values containing quotation marks (“”) may display incorrect search results.

New Known Issues:

• Lookup search values are not highlighted in the result set.
• The Web Part is not supported for SharePoint publishing sites.
• Altering the search criteria and re-running the search after editing search result items may display a JavaScript error.
• Editing a Choice column value from the search results may display a JavaScript error.
• Searching Data and Time column values in Unified Access Gateway (UAG) environments may cause a page refresh.
• Upgrading Bamboo’s Grants Management Solutions Accelerator with List Search Simple version 2.5 may cause textbox styling issues.

No New Limitation.

SA75 Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.5.32 (File version 20.5.32)

New Features:

• Post replies or create new topics directly via email.
• Add emoji characters to topics and replies.
• Discussion boards inherit the SharePoint site theme.
• Improvements to the Discussion Board Plus Upgrade Utility (Moved to Central Administration and allows Web Application-wide upgrade).

Includes the updated versions of the following products:

List Search Simple Web Part  R2.3.25 (HW11A)

New Known Issues:

• The emoticons characters may not display correctly when posting replies or creating topics via email.
• After upgrading to Discussion Board Plus version 2.5, the Discussion Board Plus Central Administration feature is not automatically activated. (Workaround: From SharePoint Central Administration, click Manage Web Application> Manage Features and activate the Bamboo Discussion Board Plus Central Admin Feature for Central Administration and all Web Applications where you have Discussion Board Plus deployed)

New Limitations:

• Discussion Board Plus Email feature using an Exchange Online account requires the email address specified in the Discussion Board Plus E-mail Settings to match the “From” and “Reply-to” addresses in SharePoint’s Outgoing E-mail Settings
• Tags are not displayed under the Topic view if tags are copy-pasted into the Tag column field.
• Images and attachments from topics or replies posted via email are not displayed in the Discussion Board Plus lists.

SA75 Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

New Features:

• Post replies or create new topics directly via email.
• Add emoji characters to topics and replies.
• Discussion boards inherit the SharePoint site theme.
• Improvements to the Discussion Board Plus Upgrade Utility (Moved to Central Administration and allows Web Application-wide upgrade).

This release includes the store versions of the following products:

List Search Simple Web Part R2.3.8.2013 (HW11A)
Rating Column R1.1.65.2013 (HW41I)

Resolved Issues:

• After migrating Discussion Board Plus from SharePoint 2010 to 2013, creating new discussion topics may display a ‘Save Conflict’ error message.
• After migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, private reply icons are not displayed.
• After migrating Discussion Board Plus from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, a Flat view is added to the Pivot Control of Forum view.

New Known Issues:

• After upgrading to Discussion Board Plus version 2.5 or migration from SharePoint 2010, the Discussion Board Plus Central Administration feature is not automatically activated. (Workaround: From SharePoint Central Administration, click Manage Web Application> Manage Features and activate the Bamboo Discussion Board Plus Central Admin Feature for Central Administration and all Web Applications where you have Discussion Board Plus deployed)

New Limitations:

• Images and attachments from topics or replies posted via email are not displayed in the Discussion Board Plus lists.
• Topics or replies posted via email may cause the pivot controls to display incorrectly.
• The discussion body and text are not inherited correctly for the following SharePoint site themes: Immerse, Lime, City, Orbit, Red, Purple, and Wood.
• Discussion Board Plus Email feature using an Exchange Online account requires the email address specified in the Discussion Board Plus E-mail Settings to match the “From” and “Reply-to” address in SharePoint’s Outgoing E-mail Settings.
• Emoji characters are not displayed in the Forum and Management views.

HW17 World Clock & Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.0.29 ( File version 30.0.29) and SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• Shows error message when locale in Site Settings is not set to “English (United States)”.
• Does not update image and temperature when using cached weather data.
• World Clock and Weather lists are now hidden from users.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations.