This Week in Bamboo (August 21, 2011 – August 27, 2011)

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (4.1.65) and SharePoint 2010 (4.1.63):

Bug Fixes:

  • The deployment of the June 2011 Cumulative Update causes several issues including: a security validation error appears in the SharePoint List and Library category of the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings window when configuring Step 3, causing the Sharepoint columns to not appear in the drop-down, and another security validation error appears when attempting to create a New Item in Calendar Plus Web Part.
  • Content-rich item tooltip fails to display values for columns of type: Lookup.
  • All Day events that are only one day in length display as two days in Calendar Plus Web Part.
  • If a new SharePoint List or Library is added to Calendar Plus Web Part where the name of the list or library contains either the ampersand (&) or a single quote (‘), or if the list or library alias “Calendar Name” includes one of these characters, items do not display in the calendar view, and if the user attempts to modify or delete the list or library in the Web Part settings, they will receive an error.
  • If Calendar Plus Web Part is configured with List Rollup – Classic Edition, rollup and color-coding is based on the List Rollup special column Site Name, all users are able to view all Site Names even if the user does not have access to that site.
  • If a user has only Limited Access to the site, but permission to view items on a specific list, Calendar Plus Web Part fails to display items of the list the user has access to.
  • If connected to a List Rollup Schema that aggregates lists of type Calendar, All Day events fail to display in Day View.


HW41J Bamboo KPI Column for SharePoint 2007 (1.3.50) and SharePoint 2010 (1.3.45):

Bug Fixes:

  • For Blog sites, if a column of type Bamboo Rating is added to the Comments list, when users rate in the Comments section of the blog, they receive an error and the rating is not saved.