This Week in Bamboo (April 7th, 2013 – April 13th, 2013)

This week in Bamboo, we released the patch for Project Management Central for SharePoint 2010 to our storefront along with the following products:  List Search Advanced Web Part, Chart Plus Web Part, Data-Viewer Web Part, KPI ColumnRich Text Column, and List Rotator Web Part.  Please see below for a complete list of new features, additional limitation and bug fixes.

SA12 Project Management Central for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.0.123

New Features:

• Add a “Run Now” button to the reports under the portfolio’s Report Center to allow users to get the reports immediately instead of waiting for the timer job to run and for it to pull the data based on the query.
• Add a “Run Now” checkbox in the Bamboo Resource Capacity Configuration Web Part and the Summarized Risks per Active Project Web Part settings for the automated Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning Yearly reports and the Summarized Risks chart at the portfolio level. This allows the reports to display the data immediately when users visit the report page instead of waiting for the timer job to run and for it to pull the data based on the queries.

Includes updated versions of the following components:

Tree View Web Part R1.7.83 (file version 10.7.83)
Alert Plus R3.2.115 (file version 30.2.115)
List Search Simple Web Part R2.1.140 (file version 20.1.140)
List Search Advanced Web Part R1.8.93 (file version 10.8.93)
Group Email Web Part R1.7.43 (file version 10.7.43)
Calendar Plus Web Part R4.1.143 (file version 40.1.143)
List Rollup Web Part R6.0.64 (file version 60.0.64)
Chart Plus Web Part R3.5.107 (file version 30.5.109)
Site Creation Plus R1.4.65 (file version 10.4.66)
Data-Viewer Web Part R3.5.65 (file version 30.5.67)
Visual Indicator R1.3.59 (file version 10.3.59)
KPI Column R1.3.63 (file version 10.3.65)
Task Master R3.5.117 (file version 30.5.117)
List Print R1.4.31 (file version 10.4.31)
Navigators R1.3.47 (file version 10.3.47)
Project Portfolio Dashboard R1.8.58 (file version 10.8.58)

Bug Fixes:

• Add clearer text to the KPI column settings in the Project Health list for statuses (Risk Status, Schedule Status and Issue Status). For example, the text should be “When value has met or less than goal” instead of “When value is less than goal”.
• The Timeline Gantt Web Part is not showing data when the Project Manager has an apostrophe.

Add New Limitations:

• If you import or export tasks to and from Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, it skips the accounts that contain characters such as “[” and “]”.

HW11B List Search Advanced Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.8.93

Bug Fixes:

• Error Message: “Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.” when search against a document library.
• The projected fields are not included in the “Field Name” drop-down for searchable columns.
• If SharePoint list is selected as the data source, the external list is not available to select under Available Lists to be selected in the Web Part Settings.

No new Known Issues and Limitations

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.5.109

Bug Fixes:

• Web Part shows “Handle is not initialized” error in SharePoint log files when connecting to List Rollup schema as the data source.
• Long wait times (>10 seconds) for Web Part to render data when List Rollup Schema is selected as the data source.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.5.67

Bug Fixes:

• When the Web Part page contains 3 columns for Web Parts and the Web Parts are added to the columns on the left and Data-Viewer Web Part is added on the right, the display is stretched to over 1000 pixels.
• Shows error when download document file from the Web Part interface.
• Cannot update or edit in datasheet mode when document list is used with Data-Viewer Web Part.

HW41J KPI Column for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.3.65

Bug Fixes:

• Anonymous users are prompted for a user name and password to access some PM Central pages (including the home page) even when access was already granted.

No New Known Issues or Limitations

HW41C Rich Text Column for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.3.27

Bug Fixes:

• List view displays pictures on the root site for Bamboo Rich Text Columns, but not on other site collections created using managed paths.

No New Known Issues or Limitations

HW21 List Rotator Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.5.82

Bug Fixes:

• Web Part shows the Subject field with hyperlink for the first 3 items in the list only. It shows subject field as text without link to item detail for the remaining items.

No new Known Issues and Limitations