This Week in Bamboo (April 29th, 2012 – May 5th, 2012)

At Bamboo this week, we released the following patches: Alert Plus, List Rollup Web Part, Wiki Publisher, and Lookup Selector Column.  We added some new features on latest releases of Alert Plus for SharePoint 2007 version and Wiki Publisher for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 versions.  Please check out the new features and review the list below for more details about the patches of this week.

HW05 Alert Plus for SharePoint 2007 (3.2.74)

New Features:

  • Two new tokens are available in the Mail Format tab:

o {ItemURL} returns just the item url. Can be used in <a href> tag for example <a href=”{ItemURL}”> Link to item</a>
o {SiteURL} returns just the site url. Can be used in <a href> tag for example <a href=”{SiteURL}”> Link to site</a>

Bug Fixes:

  • Alerts fail to send on expanded recurring events.
  • Alerts fail to send when recipient is set to “Lookup an Email Address in the Alert List” and the value of the selected lookup column is a SharePoint Group instead of a User.
  • We need an alternative to showing the big, long hyperlink for the “SiteLink” variable in an email message

No new Known Issues and Limitations

HW24 List Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (5.0.154)

Bug Fixes:

  • When sorting or grouping resulting data produced List Rollup Classic Edition Web Part displays the error message “Unable to display this web part. To troubleshoot the problem…”.
  • When filtering lists of type Calendar using CAML Query the optional parameter <AddValue +/- X> fails to return any items in the resulting aggregated views.

New Limitations:

  • Users experience slower performance when viewing aggregated data if recurring events are expanded.

HW51 Wiki Publisher for SharePoint 2007 (1.0.66) and SharePoint 2010 (1.0.65)

New Features:

  • Added the options to include wiki page name in the header and export date and/or page number in the footer of single page exports.
  • Wiki Publisher now packaged Bamboo Web License Manager Version

Bug Fixes:

  • When exporting multiple pages, the list of “Available Wiki Pages” is sorted ID not alphabetically.
  • Content alignment is not correct, causing content to be chopped off on the right side of the PDF.
  • Anonymous users prompted for login when exporting to PDF.
  • Resource file “Bamboo.SPWiki.en-US.resx” missing from the solution causing the error “Failed to read resource file…” to be listed in the SharePoint logs.
  • Unable to configure the Picture Library for importing Word documents using Wiki Publisher on sites using French language pack.

New Limitations:

Importing Word Documents:

  • Images displayed in the wrong position. For example if the image is displayed in the right corner within the Word document but after importing into a wiki page, it is in the left corner.
  • If the document contains multiple images, the orders of the images are reversed when imported into a wiki page.
  • If the document contains a table and the content of the table includes other formatting, such as: Lists (number/bullet), Bold/Italic/Underline font style or heading style, resulting wiki format is incorrect.


  • In some cases, if a table width is beyond a certain length, content can be cut off.

HW41AB Lookup Selector Column for SharePoint 2007 (1.3.56) and SharePoint 2010 (2.3.53)

Bug Fixes:

  • If the Source List contains more than 20 records, the values displayed in Lookup Selector column are the record ID, not the selected Display Column.

No new Known Issues or Limitations