This Week in Bamboo (April 24th, 2011 – April 30th, 2011)

SharePoint Video Library Release 1.3.8 was released to the storefront this week for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 with new improvements, new features, and some resolved bugs.  At the same time, we fixed many issues and released patches for the following products:  Calendar Plus Web Part and Bamboo Column Level Security.  For the new version of Calendar Plus Web Part, we resolved the issues for Day, Week, and work Week views where the width of the last item is greater than first items on the same day.  Please see below for more details about the patches released this week.

SharePoint 2007 Products:

HW69 SharePoint Video Library Release 1.3.8 (SharePoint 2007)

New Features:

• Multiple File Upload now supported.
• Ability to assign custom thumbnail images.
• Improved attribute extraction from media files.
• Support for hosted video sharing sites such as YouTube.
• Uses Microsoft Expression Encoder for automatic thumbnail generation.
• Updated user interface.
• Uses new Setup program.

Bug Fixes:  Internal bug fixes only.

Known Issues:

• Auto-detected aspect ratio always used, even if the “Auto-detect aspect ratio” setting is set to “No” in the Video Library advanced settings.


• Users may receive a timeout error when uploading large video files (>50MB) to a Bamboo Video Library. For more information, see
• A mixed content warning is displayed if an absolute HTTP path is entered for a custom thumbnail image in an HTTPS SharePoint environment. Workaround: Use a relative path (/site/path) for custom thumbnail images.
• If a YouTube media link has a Description field that contains more than 255 characters, the following warning is displayed in the Edit Item page: “This field can have no more than 255 characters.”
• Thumbnails are not generated for video file types such as MP4 and FLV. This is a limitation of Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 (free version).
• Unable to send an item from a Bamboo Video Library to another SharePoint library which uses a different content type.
• ACC file types do not show metadata information such as format, duration, resolution and channel.
• When videos are uploaded, a copy is temporarily stored on the Web front-end server. Uploading multiple videos at once can reduce available hard drive space on the server.
• SharePoint Video Library content types cannot be modified.

SharePoint 2010 Products:

HW69 SharePoint Video Library Release 1.3.10 (SharePoint 2010)

New Features:

• Multiple File Upload now supported.
• Ability to assign custom thumbnail images.
• Improved attribute extraction from media files.
• Support for hosted video sharing sites such as YouTube.
• Uses Microsoft Expression Encoder for automatic thumbnail generation.
• Updated user interface.
• Uses new Setup program.

Bug Fixes:

• After migrating SharePoint Video Library from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010, a “loading” icon appears at the bottom of all pages using the SharePoint 2007 interface. 

Known Issues:

• Auto-detected aspect ratio always used even when the “Auto-detect aspect ratio” setting is set to “No” in the Video Library advanced settings.
• Film edge borders still displayed for thumbnail images in the Standard view even when the “Display thumbnail film edge border” setting is set to “No”.


• Users may receive a timeout error when uploading large video files (>50MB) to a Bamboo Video Library. For more information, see
• A mixed content warning is displayed if an absolute HTTP path is entered for a custom thumbnail image in an HTTPS SharePoint environment. Workaround: Use a relative path (/site/path) for custom thumbnail images.
• If a YouTube media link has a Description field that contains more than 255 characters, the following warning is displayed in the Edit Item page: “This field can have no more than 255 characters.”
• Thumbnails are not generated for video file types such as MP4 and FLV. This is a limitation of Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 (free version).
• Unable to send an item from a Bamboo Video Library to another SharePoint library which uses a different content type.
• ACC file types do not show metadata information such as format, duration, resolution and channel.
• When videos are uploaded, a copy is temporarily stored on the Web front-end server. Uploading multiple videos at once can reduce available hard drive space on the server.
• SharePoint Video Library content types cannot be modified.

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.1.37 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 4.1.33 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

Bug Fixes:

• All day events do not show up in Day View for New Zealand regional setting.
• Stack overflow when more than one calendar on page and custom master page.
• Edit the Calendar that already has people selected a No exact match was found message appear.
• Site owners receive an ‘access denied error’ message when they select users from the people picker.
• Color bar display wrong user when choose a user from people picker to use color coding.
• The width of last item is great than first items on the same day. Resolved for issues for Day, Week and work Week views.

Current Limitations:

• Use web part in List View and getting error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Work around: use the web part in web part page or non-list view page.
• View that limits items does not limit items in Calendar Plus.
• Can only display one SharePoint List in Gantt View.
• Unable to change the column header text in the Select List/Library grid.
• Distinct values of top 200 records of List Rollup are used to color codes.
• Calendar only print HTML and doesn’t do page break for each view.
• Gantt print doesn’t print all items, it prints the scroll bars on the view.

Current Known Issues:

• Don’t show data at Quarter, year, week view when Filter datetime (in List Rollup classic mode).
• Columns used in Use Filter option need to be added to the Selected Columns – If these column are not added to Selected columns, users will see System.Data.SyntaxErrorException in the log file.
• When there are more than 100 users in a site, if users want to color code User filed, use people picker. Check users name function for this field in the tool part is disable in this release.

HW41G Bamboo Column Level Security Release 1.3.18 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.3.20 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

Bug Fixes:

• When set HW05 Alert PLus on a list that has HW41G Column Level Security, no alerts are sent out.