This Week in Bamboo (April 20th, 2014 – April 26th, 2014)

For Bamboo this week, the following patches were released to the storefront: Visual Indicator Column, User Registration Accelerator, Wiki Publisher, Data-Viewer Web Part, Chart Plus Web Part, and List Search Simple Web Part. Please see below for the complete list of bugs fixed along with new known issues.

HW41D Visual Indicator Column for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• Visual Indicator column may display an error when the SharePoint master page has a custom theme applied.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

SA07 User Registration Accelerator for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• After successfully creating a new account, an error message stating that the User Registration Request History list does not exist is displayed on the Web Part if that history list does not allow anonymous access.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW51 Wiki Publisher for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.0.79

Bug Fixes:

• When exporting multiple wiki pages containing identical page names, the export function displays an item exists error.
• Import from Microsoft Word function fails when the site language settings are not configured to English.

New Known Issues:

• The Export to PDF function in the context menu does not allow users to export folder(s) or multiple files. Workaround: Please utilize the Export to PDF command in the ribbon to export multiple files or folder(s).
• The subscript or superscript footnote reference marks are displayed differently when imported from Microsoft Word into Wiki Publisher.

No New Limitations

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.6.81

Bug Fixes:

• For countries that have Day Light Saving time in March- 2014, the time is displayed on Web Part earlier than the time in the list, one hour.
• Web part displays the error message “Item Command::Invalid operator for this type of column” when using the “Contains” operator to filter a text column, and the Data-Viewer is configured to use SQL as the data source.
• OR operator does not work when the data source is a SharePoint list.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• For countries that have Day Light Saving time in March- 2014, the time is displayed on Web Part earlier than the time on in the list one hour.
• Error message displayed when using Bamboo List Rollup, configured to use the Bamboo Aggregation service to rollup content from Document libraries and wiki pages, is used as the data source

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.5.118

Bug Fixes:

• The text displayed to describe the error “The Chart http handler is not registered” was updated to provide additional instructions: “The Chart http handler is not registered. Please go to Central Administration >System Settings > Application Management > Manage web applications. Select the web application listing for this web app.  Click the Manage features link in the ribbon. Activate or reactivate the feature Bamboo Telerik Config v1.3 “

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW11A List Search Simple for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.2.38

Bug Fixes:

• The search box width for lookup columns varies if the “disable drop-down menu for Lookup column” option is selected.
• When exporting search results to Excel, the Person or Group columns are exported as two separate columns.
• When exporting search results from a document library to Excel, the Name column does not contain the hyperlink.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations