This Week in Bamboo (April 17th, 2011 – April 23rd, 2011)

This week in Bamboo, we launched a major new product: Cross-Site Display Web Part (HW63 Release 1.0) for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.  Why did we build it?  Cross-Site Display Web Part allows users to view lists and libraries across sites without requiring advanced SharePoint expertise or SharePoint Designer.  Please check out our storefront for more info and give it a try with the 30-day free trial download. We also have some major enhancements and patches that were released this week for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010. The highlight of major enhancements releases is List Search Simple R2.0 with some new features and bugs fixed.  For a complete list of new releases, patches, and bugs fixed please see below.

SharePoint 2007 Products:

HW63 Cross-Site Display Web Part Release 1.0.31 for SharePoint 2007

Initial Release

Current Limitations:

• My regional setting for the Cross-Site Display web part site has to be the same as the source list site for the web part to display and link date time column and recurrence event in Calendar List correctly.
• Click create column from setting menu in Cross-site display web part, the new column will not be displayed right away until the page is refreshed.
• No delete action for Picture Library.
• Modify list view from web part action menu, will go back to the source list view instead of the web part view.

The following Bamboo Products are not supported to display in or use with HW63 R1.0:

o HW60 SharePoint File Share Library.
o HW69 SharePoint Video Library.
o HW50 List Print.
o HW41H Bamboo Rating Column.

HW32 Map Chart Web Part Release 1.4.1 for SharePoint 2007


• Use the new setup program.

HW08 User Directory Web Part Release 1.7.12 for SharePoint 2007

Bug Fixes:

• Some users cannot see their profiles on the web part.
• The picker is searching account logon name only AND showing last name and first name in wrong places.

SharePoint 2010 Products:

HW63 Cross-Site Display Web Part Release 1.0.18 for SharePoint 2010

Initial Release
Current Limitations:

• If a Picture Library source list from another site in the same site collection is displayed in a Cross-Site Display Web Part, the item upload page is not a pop-up window.
• The Manage Permission and Compliance Details items are not available in the item Edit Menu when a list is displayed in the Cross-Site Display Web Part.
• The item Edit Menu is not available for libraries displayed in the Cross-Site Display Web Part, including Asset Libraries, Document Libraries, Picture Libraries, and Wiki Libraries.
• Clicking on an item link will display the item in the SharePoint display form instead of a pop-up window.
• Regional settings for the Cross-Site Display Web Part site must match regional settings for the source list site for the Web Part to display date/time columns for recurring Calendar events correctly.
• Columns created using the Settings menu in the Cross-Site Display Web Part will not be displayed until the page is refreshed.
• The Delete action is not supported for Picture Libraries.
• After modifying a list view from the Action menu in the Cross-Site Display Web Part, the user is returned to the source list instead of the Web Part page.

The following Bamboo Products are not supported for display in HW63 Cross-Site Display Web Part R1.0:

o HW60 SharePoint File Share Library.
o HW69 SharePoint Video Library.
o HW50 List Print.
o HW41H Bamboo Rating Column.

Current Known Issues:
Issues for SP2010 Gantt View for Task lists:

• Anonymous users may see the following message when attempting to view certain Cross-Site Display Web Part views: “Error occurred: Access is denied”.
• Clicking on the drop-down list for the Predecessors column in a Tasks list may display the following message: “This service isn’t available right now.”.
• If the Cross-Site Display Web Part is configured in a Web Part Page in a subsite to display a Tasks list from a different site in the same site collection, switching to a Gantt View will display the following error: “List does not exist.” Workaround: Configure the Web Part in a non-Web Part Page for this specific scenario.

Other issues:

• Currency columns are missing decimal digits when the source list is from a site with different regional settings than the Cross-Site Display Web Part site.
• If the Cross-Site Display Web Part is configured to display a list or library from a different site collection, switching to a Gantt View will display the message: “Cross-Site Display Web Part currently does not support Gantt View for lists on a different Site Collection. Please select a different list view.”.

HW08 User Directory Web Part Release 1.7.16 for SharePoint 2010

Bug Fixes:

• Some users cannot see their profiles on the web part.
• The picker is searching account logon name only AND showing last name and first name in wrong places.
• After adding the web part to page and try to configure the toolpart, received this error: Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager..ctor(Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext) on SharePoint foundation.

HW11A List Search Simple Release 2.0.75 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 2.0.47 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

New Features:

• Search lists in different sites and site collections.
• Retain search results page when viewing items.
• Support for Bamboo custom columns and libraries in search criteria and search results.
• New search criteria options added:

1. Search for exact phrases (join all words with AND) surrounding text in quotation marks (“search phrase”).
2. Search for any of multiple words (join all words with OR) separating each word with a space (word1 word2).
3. Exclude words from a search prefixing the word with a hyphen/minus (-word).
4. Allow users to search using only keywords (“Search in all columns for:”) omitting other search columns in the Web Part Settings.
5. Perform searches on Date/Time columns plus or minus a desired number of days.
6. Yes/No columns now displayed as a drop-down list to allow searches either yes or no (or both).
7. Search Choice and Lookup columns for multiple values (joined OR).

• New options for viewing and interacting with search results:

1. Search results now displayed in a grid format.
2. Users can define custom search result views, including columns displayed, item limits, and sort order.
3. Search results can be sorted on-the-fly clicking on a column header in the search results page.
4. Ability to print search results.
5. Ability to export search results to Microsoft Excel.

• Updated Web Part Settings screen using pop-up interface.

Bug Fixes:

• Missing string from resource file to modify the text: “Enter Date in MM/DD/YYYY format” from under a Date/time search column.
• Unable to open/edit document in the search results for a Document Library.
• “Search in all columns for” keyword search does not display folder names that match the search terms in search results.
• Person/Group columns are populated with the full User Information List even if additional restrictions are defined in the column settings.
• Hyperlinks in Calculated columns are not active in search results.

Current Limitations:

• No default value is shown for Number, Choice, Yes/No, or Date/Time column types when the option “Display default column value” is selected.
• Search results are not retained when viewing or editing an item in the search results using the item Edit Menu. Workaround: Click on the item link to open the item in a pop-up window.
• “Search in all columns for” keyword search is unable to search in Date/Time, Number, Currency, or Yes/No columns.

Current Known Issues:

• Unable to customize search criteria layout using the Modify Layout option.
• When the option “Allow search all columns” option is disabled, the Modify Layout editor will not save layout changes unless the Keyword Control text box is added to the HTML. This control should not be required when the option is disabled.
• Unable to modify the CSS for the search results grid.
• Search results are incorrect when searching for a Choice or Lookup column value that contains a quotation mark (“”).
• Print and Export to Excel show raw data for Bamboo custom columns that visually display data, such as HW41J KPI Column, and for columns that enforce special rules, such as HW41E Bamboo Validator Column. 
• Unable to show HW41D Bamboo Visual Indicator column tooltips in search results.
• Unable to display HW41I Bamboo Rating columns correctly in search results.
• List Search Simple Web Part R2.0 unable to provide data to other Web Parts using Web Part Connection feature.

HW11B List Search Advanced Release 1.8.62 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.8.52 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

Bug Fixes:
• Error Message: Server Out of Memory when use in a large document library. 


1. List Search Simple and Advanced Pack R1.8 was updated with latest of HW11A List Search Simple R2.0 and HW11B List Search Advanced R1.8 for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.
2. PB15 SharePoint Custom Column Toolkit R1.2 is now available for online purchase on both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.  The product page can be found here: