This Week in Bamboo (April 15th, 2012 – April 21st, 2012)

Workflow Conductor R2.5 was released to Bamboo storefront this week for SharePoint 2010 with some great new features and many resolved bugs.  Please see the release announcement blog of Workflow Conductor R2.5 from our Product Manager for more details.   Also for this week, we fixed many customer issues and released the patches for Password Reset Web Part, Calendar Plus Web Part, List Search Simple and List Bulk Export.  For a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations and known issues about this week’s release, please see below.

SA08 Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.5

New Features:

• Customizable InfoPath forms for Request Approval, Request Feedback, and Collect Data from User task forms (requires InfoPath Forms Services).
• New workflow template gallery features:

• View a personalized gallery of workflow templates you created.
• Share workflow templates with other users.
• Access workflow templates featured administrators.

• Support for site workflows, which can be started without a specific list or library item.
• Advanced per-widget error handling options, including the ability to pause a workflow until an error can be corrected.
• New widgets:

• Create Column – Create a new column in a list or library.
• Move Item – Move an item from one list or library to another.
• Subscribe User to Alert – Subscribe a user to alerts for a SharePoint list or item.

• New Conditional Branch widget conditions that branch the workflow based on results of the following conditional checks:

• Is a role assigned to a user
• Is a date/time within a date range
• Is a user a member of a SharePoint group
• Is a user a member of an Active Directory group

• Updated Request Feedback widget options that allow specifying the number of feedback responses required.

Resolved Issues:

• Resolved multiple issues related to Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete functions in Workflow Conductor Studio not selecting the correct area or item.
• If a workflow stops due to an error, it is no longer marked as “Cancelled”, but is now correctly marked as “Errored”. It is also now shown under the correct category in the Workflow Reports Web Part.
• Group owner is now included when using Send Email addressed to a group.
• Added small delay between loops in Repeat for Each Item to prevent SharePoint’s workflow queue from getting overwhelmed after 10 or more items were processed.
• When selecting values for Date/Time columns that are configred as “Date Only”, the date picker no longer shows the time selector for date properties in the Update Item and Wait for Field Change widgets, or when setting a standard lookup field in any widget.
• Resolved issue where Add User to AD Group widgets did not run correctly if the “Group” property was defined using a variable.
• Fixed issue where some users upgrading from 2.0 or earlier would get stuck on the “Loading” screen when trying to apply updated settings in a previous workflow’s Create Item widget.
• Line breaks in approval comments stored in variables are now properly retained and appear correctly when inserted in emails.
• Fixed JavaScript error when using the Create Item widget on a survey list with special characters in the Subject field.
• Zoom In/Out options now work correctly for large imported templates.
• The Repeat While widget now works correctly when the “Loop Delay” property is set using a lookup.
• Fixed an issue that could cause an error in some instances if regional settings for date/time were different than the defined user’s machine when using “Run As” in Delay Until, Request Approval, Request Feedback, Collect Data from User, and Create Task.
• The Copy Item widget now works correctly with Bamboo’s Custom Identifier Column when using the “Automatically Generate Unique ID” option on the target list.
• The Send Email widget now works correctly on file attachments over 8MB.

Known Issues:

• Users upgrading from previous versions may experience problems publishing new workflows. Manually deactivating then reactivating the Web Application feature labeled “Bamboo Workflow Conductor Web.config Modifications V2.5” and the Site Collection Feature “Bamboo Workflow Conductor Studio” should resolve these issues.
• When reassigning a task or requesting a change, users may have to click the “Submit” button twice before it responds if they checked the assignee name using “Enter” on the keyboard.
• When opening a Workflow Conductor task (such as an approval or feedback task) from within a Microsoft Office application, the task form fields are blank and the form cannot be completed. Opening the task from other locations still works correctly.
• Widgets can be dropped into invalid areas of the Request Approval widget, causing workflows to display an error message.
• In some cases, Workflow Conductor Web Part features may need to be manually deactivated and re-activated when upgrading if Web Parts are already being used on a page(s).
• Workflows fail when attempting to use Check In, Check Out, or Discard Check Out on items in the workflow Tasks list.
• Update Item/Set Field Value widgets will not work on a Bamboo Custom Identifier Column if the “Automatically Generate Unique ID” option is enabled.
• Workflows that contain a Collect Data from User widget are canceled when run on a list in another site collection.
• If a Simple Publishing workflow uses a workflow initialization form field that contains a space in the form field name, any default value configured for the field will not be displayed in the workflow start page.
• If a workflow is in progress and a user clicks the “Workflow is committing…” message in the workflow status page, an error message is displayed.
• In the My Workflows and My Workflow Tasks Web Parts, version numbers will appear after the task name when a new version of a Simple Publishing workflow is published after the task is created.
• If a workflow that contains a lookup to a number or % column is deployed to a Document Library in a Meeting site, the workflow will be canceled if the column is empty.
• If a workflow initialization form Date and Time field is configured with a default value that includes a time, the time may not be displayed correctly in the workflow start page.
• If a Simple Publishing workflow with a Start Another Workflow widget is edited and published to a different scope, workflow initialization form values are not updated. For example, if the workflow was published to the list and then updated and published to the site, the Start Another Workflow widget retains its previous workflow initialization form values.
• After upgrading to Workflow Conductor 2.0 or later, a workflow deployed in Workflow Conductor 1.5 that contains a Create AD Account widget configured with a lookup from an initialization form Choice drop-down field will add a “]” to the end of the lookup when the workflow runs.
• Workflow is canceled if a Remove AD Group widget attempts to remove a group in an OU level lower than the one specified in the LDAP path.
• In the Template Gallery, cannot filter for Created By when the filter contains special characters.
• If a Simple Publishing workflow is associated to a list with an association name different than the workflow name, the workflow start page will display the workflow name instead of the association name.
• If you attempt to attach a Document Set in a Send Email widget, the workflow will be canceled.
• Some Widgets and task forms may not work correctly on German-language installations.
• The Repeat For Each Item widget “Start Item” condition does not work when using the “Is Null” operator with a Date/Time or Person/Group column.
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, workflows that are “In Progress” and waiting for Delay For, Delay Until, Wait For Field Change, Request Approval, Or Request Feedback widgets do not complete after upgrading to Conductor 1.5 or higher.
• Saved property values are not displayed when you edit the Access SP via REST widget properties.
• If a Set Approval Status widget is configured to Run As “Initiator” or “Other”, the item shows as Modified By “System Account”.
• In some cases, the Approval Status of an item is not set properly for workflows deployed with the Start Option “Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item.”
• In the View Workflow Status page, “Starts With”, “Ends With”, “Equal To”, and “Not Equal To” filters do not work on the Workflow Name and List columns.
• Set Field Value can incorrectly set a Person/Group (Person only) column to a SharePoint group name.


• When opening a workflow template created in Workflow Conductor version 1.6 or earlier in version 2.5 or later, some values for the Create Item widget may need to be re-entered before deploying the workflow again.
• Integrated task buttons in Microsoft Outlook are available for SharePoint Server 2010 only; SharePoint Foundation 2010 does not support this feature.
• A Bamboo KPI Custom Column field may show a blank value for a task list item if that item is updated using the Complete Task, Create Task, or Copy Item widgets.
• When editing a workflow template created in Workflow Conductor 1.6.1 after upgrading to 2.0, Create Item widget properties are not displayed correctly. Workaround: Re-enter the widget properties and save the template.
• After upgrading to Workflow Conductor 2.0, workflow solutions that were scheduled for deployment in the previous version but had not yet been deployed are not deployed at the scheduled time after the upgrade. This is because the workflow deployment method is changed to Simple Publishing in Conductor 2.0. The workflow can be manually deployed in the Workflow Solution Management page in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel.
• If a workflow with a Set Field Value widget is created on a Document Library and later associated to another list type, values set using the {Current Item:Name} lookup may not work correctly if the “Name” column in the new list was created manually and is not the default SharePoint “Name” column.
• An error page is displayed if a workflow is associated with a Bamboo workflow task content type.
• Some SharePoint site themes do not work well with Conductor Studio.
• The full account name must be used to lookup an FBA user in the Conductor Studio User Lookup form.
• Cannot assign a Request Approval or Request Feedback task to a user in another site collection who is not also in the current site collection.
• Create Item cannot create an item in a list name that includes an apostrophe (‘).
• Send Email does not work if the recipient property is a lookup to a SharePoint group or a Person/Group column allowing multiple selections that contains a group in another site collection.
• You must disable UAC Admin Approval Mode or turn off UAC to run Conductor on Windows Server 2008.

HW10 Password Reset Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (2.4.26) and SharePoint 2010 (2.4.51)

SharePoint 2007 (2.4.26):

Repackaging Note:

• The ASP.Net Sample Applications are now obsolete and have been removed from the package.

No New Known Issues and Limitation

SharePoint 2010 (2.4.51):

Bug Fixes:

• Updated the Resource Language file with the following changes:

o Administrators can modify the “Bamboo Error” text.
o Administrators can optionally display the mapped Site Collection URL in the error message entering {0} or Username entering {1}.

Repackaging Note:

• The ASP.Net Sample Applications are now obsolete and have been removed from the package.

No New Known Issues and Limitation

HW20 Calendar Plus for SharePoint 2007 (4.1.85) and SharePoint 2010 (4.1.92)

Bug Fixes:

• Gantt View displays items with the wrong time when the timezone is set to GMT+4:00 Baku.
• Gantt View displays the error message “RenderCalendar: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.” when filtering of the source data is set to “Specify Filter Condition” option in the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings.

No new Known Issues and Limitations

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (2.1.68) and SharePoint 2010 (2.1.92)

Bug Fixes:

• When users search on a column of type Lookup and they select the option “Select All”, the Web Part displays the error message “Value does not fall within the expected range.”.

No new Known Issues or Limitations.

HW33 List Bulk Export for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 (1.4.12)

Bug Fixes:

• When exporting a document library that has Versions enabled, only the current major version metadata is exported.

No new Known Issues or Limitations