The Ultimate Answer to SharePoint, The Cloud, and Everything

In Douglas Adams’ classic “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” a character relates a story in which a super-computer is asked to calculate:

“The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.”

And comes to the conclusion: 42.

The answer is incomprehensible because the beings who asked didn’t know what they were asking – and it is decided that another computer must be built to calculate the correct question.

And so to the question of SharePoint, the cloud, hybrid, social… Where are we going? How should we use the options we have? What is the answer to the ultimate question of collaboration, best practices, and streamlining our organizations for maximum efficiency and ROI?

The conclusion is UX.

From the mighty powerhouse that is Microsoft and its in-house geniuses and innovators, to individual businesses and their need for improved collaboration, all can be brought to their knees UX. Or User Experience.

Why? Because all technology is created for the user of that technology. It’s that simple. No matter what vision is experienced by the creator, what plan is mapped out for the future, and what product is sold as the “way ahead,” only the user’s experience of interacting with it can decide if it has any future at all.

Luckily for Microsoft, a lot of attention is paid to the fact that the ultimate computer is the human brain; and that, located near, is a pair of ears. Excited by the potential of the cloud and confidence in its ability to provide robust data security, Microsoft initially pushed the transition to the cloud very strongly; but, while enthused about the vast potential and ROI of the cloud solution, it also listened.

The softer step forward into, for example, hybrid innovation, helps businesses adapt and make their own choices their own way. And in their own time. Providing time to adapt is a smart move, particularly as some may decide that on-prem remains the solution for them, while others move to the cloud.

Many businesses are finding success in similar ways: listening to the needs of their teams and learning how to tailor SharePoint to their businesses, investing in solutions outside the box that works for them and their end-users. Also, in the earliest stages, investing a little time and training to facilitate an easier transition. Moving ahead this way is ultimately more rewarding for everybody involved.

Offering solutions that simplify processes, giving UX priority consideration, and having experts on hand to listen to any issue, is also The Bamboo® Way.

For an excellent example of how UX can impact your business, if not given full consideration, read the following article: The Dangers of Rogue IT.