The Importance of Toolbars in Chart Plus

If you use Chart in Excel a lot, you’ll know the various ways you can customize and organize your charts. But how do you easily select a different chart type based on the default data? And how do you know your data is really suited to a certain chart? With the Change Chart Types option, we’ll show you how. In addition, we’ll enable you to dynamically filter data using the Views option. Also, we’ll show you the Actions option, enabling you to print or export a chart. Let’s see just how straightforward these options are.

Change the Chart Types option

This option is supported for all charts, so you can change the chart type of the default chart simply by configuring it on the tool pane, giving the chart a different look. In addition, there is an icon to represent each chart, for added clarity. With the Back to Original Chart function, you can return to the default chart at will.

Below are the charts users can select from the toolbar the chart type configured.

Note: We should use the generic names for the charts, not the full names.

Actions option

To print or export to a file, use the Actions option. Export has three file types: Excel, PDF, and SVG Image to help you save data in a small size.

Views option

As with previous versions, we’ve kept the dynamic filter function. However, we re-arranged positions and added an icon for each view. Besides that, we’ve provided a ‘Show All’ function so you can obtain all items, rather than depending on the Filter option in the View Settings of the list or library.

Simple, straightforward, and dynamic. Enjoy!