The Coolest SharePoint T-shirt of the Year So Far

Here at Bamboo, we take pride in designing some of the coolest t-shirts in the SharePoint space, but it's no secret that there is a wealth of wickedly clever and creative types in the world of SharePoint, and attention must be paid when a new t-shirt becomes the talk of a given conference.

At the Best Practices Conference (BPC) this week, there was no question as to what the coolest (and most talked-about) t-shirt of the week was, and the chatter began even before the keynote kicked off on Tuesday morning.

Early Tuesday morning, me and Community Manager Chris Dooley were chatting with our friend Dux Raymond Sy at the media sponsor booth which we shared with Women in SharePoint at the BPC this week when Christian Buckley walked by wearing The Shirt, which he had designed.  Dux motioned Christian over, introduced him to me and Dooley, and lavished praise upon The Shirt … praise for which Dooley and I were only too quick to add our voices to the choir.

And so, without further ado, I give you The Coolest SharePoint T-shirt of the Year So Far:

Axceler's Christian Buckley-designed "CherPoint" t-shirt at #BPC10

Just in case anyone out there doesn't recognize the personality pictured on the shirt, I'll "decode" the image for you: Cher + point = Cher point = SharePoint.  I know … awesome, right?

Want a "CherPoint" shirt of your own?  I scored mine by attending Christian's session on "Enabling Social Media through Metadata" and answering a question at the end of the session, so I'd suggest following Christian via his blog or Twitter to keep abreast of his speaking schedule or, alternatively, visit the Axceler booth at an upcoming SharePoint show. Why Axceler?  Because Axceler is Christian's employer, and it's their logo that's displayed on the back of the shirt.  Nice one, Christian!

What are your favorite SharePoint t-shirts?

Updated to add: Bamboo's own cool new shirt is now available!  For information on how to get one of your very own (for free, naturally), check out Lily Griffin's post, Bamboo Rocks! Unveiling the New Fall Line of Bamboo T-shirts at Our Virtual "Merch Booth".

Check out our full coverage of Best Practices Conference 2010: