The Best Practices Conference is Coming … Want to Save $200 on Registration?

Incredible as it seems to me, the Best Practices Conference (BPC) is just around the corner, kicking off just two short weeks from today right here on Bamboo's home turf of Reston, VA.  Beginning on Tuesday, August 24, the BPC-proper will run for three full days before wrapping up on Friday with a special offering of four six-hour post-conference workshops.

During the course of the conference-proper, attendees will have over 120 sessions from which to choose, spread across four different tracks (Project Managers, Developers, IT Pro / Admin, and Information Worker), and boasting over 60 speakers.  As is customary with the BPC, the lineup of speakers is a veritable roll call of many of the most respected names in SharePoint, and even if you're unable to attend, I encourage you to check out the speaker list for yourself at the Event Speakers page.

Why do I encourage checking out the list of speakers even if you're unable to attend the BPC?  Am I just being cruel?  Perish the thought!  I encourage checking out the speakers (and the Agenda) because, as I hope you're already aware, Bamboo Nation is a proud media sponsor of the BPC again this year, and we're partnering with Women in SharePoint to provide wall-too-wall BPC coverage throughout the week for those of you who are unable to attend in person.  If you are attending the BPC, and would like to volunteer to join the cause, please check out Cathy Dew of Women in SharePoint's call to action for BPC live bloggers.

Not yet registered, but planning to attend the BPC?  I've got two pieces of good news for you:  First, seats are still available, and second, Bamboo Nation has been given four certificates to give away which are good for $200 off your conference registration, so if you're going to register to attend, write me at, and I'll hook you up.  First four respondents take the prize, and when they're gone, they're gone, so please only request a certificate if you're certain that you'll be able to attend.  Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I hope to see you at the BPC!