Team Bamboo Walks to Defeat ALS

As many of you saw over the last week and a half, Bamboo Solutions is raising money for The ALS Association, in support of our own John Anderson. Specifically, we formed a team to raise funds through our participation in this past Sunday’s Walk to Defeat ALS. As it turned out, we couldn’t have had a better fall day for it. At the time of this writing, we have raised just over $16,600 with donations still coming in. Take a moment and check out our team page, there is still time to donate to the ALS Association. As you can see from the pictures, we had a great turnout and spent a wonderful morning supporting a truly worthy cause. We deeply thank everyone who donated, and are honored by how well the SharePoint community supported us in this effort!

To keep up with Bamboo, check in with us here on Bamboo Nation, and Like us on Facebook!