Team Bamboo is Back to Battle Against ALS in a Really “Cool” Way

Sitting on a warm summer day, I thought about cooling down with a nice, refreshing glass of ice water. After I headed into the infamous Bamboo kitchen to quench my thirst, I opened up the freezer, and, lo and behold, it was empty. I thought to myself, “That’s weird.  Where in the world has all the ice gone?” Oh yea, I remembered – sorry for the momentary BRAIN FREEZE. Our Bamboo crew decided to put it to good use. In case you haven’t caught on yet, it is my pleasure to present to you, the Bamboo Solutions Corporation #ALSicebucketchallenge:

Yes, I am sneaky. I was nominated personally by a friend earlier in the week. And when I happily obliged, I decided to nominate not one person, nope, but MY ENTIRE COMPANY! Why not? They’re all good sports, and I knew everyone would be all in. But why stop there? We wanted to do some blanket nominations ourselves. So here it is in black and white, documented forever on the interwebs:

BAMBOO SOLUTIONS CORPORATION NOMINATES 1) The SharePoint team at Microsoft, 2) ALL SharePoint MVPs, and 3) ALL Bamboo Partners. You have 24 hours to accept the challenge or make a donation to an ALS organization of your choosing. Or even better, may I suggest you do both?

This disease, and the overwhelmingly large amounts of media coverage that have been happening lately around it, definitely hit home within our organization. Our coworker, John Anderson, was diagnosed with ALS back in 2011 and continues his courageous battle with ALS today. For those of you who don’t know John’s story, you can read it here. John has been an inspiration to us all and an extremely influential member of the SharePoint community.  So the more awareness we can create around ALS, the better!

That being said, I wanted to take this opportunity to also announce Bamboo’s participation in the Washington, D.C. Walk to Defeat ALS on November 1, 2014. This is the second year that Team Bamboo will head downtown in support of John and the thousands of others that deal with this terrible disease every day. We are honored to walk for John, and we invite you once more to please consider donating to Team Bamboo and show John and the whole community that together we can make a difference. The amount of support that we received last year was overwhelming, and beyond anything, we could have hoped for. Let’s keep it going, and make it stronger every year until we can stand together and celebrate when a cure has been found!

Thank you in advance from all of us here at Bamboo for your support!