The exciting release of SharePoint 2010 (SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010) occurred in the middle of May, but it seems like it was just yesterday! As we come up to the 60-day point following the launch of SharePoint 2010, Bamboo Solutions has been extremely busy swimming in the ocean that is SharePoint with our own first wave of components supported on SharePoint 2010 (yup, that's right, as with SharePoint 2007 when we supported not only MOSS 2007 but also WSS v3.0, all of our products will support both SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010).
In case you missed the wave announcement, drift on over to Bamboo PM Girl's blog Project Management Central Now Available for SharePoint 2010. This is no ordinary Bamboo wave in the SharePoint ocean; this is the big kahuna, packing the combined punch of some of Bamboo's most popular Web Parts:
- Alert Plus – Create powerful, highly customizable e-mail alerts, without writing a line of code, through a simple 3-step process. Send alerts to both SharePoint and non-SharePoint users such as task reminders, document approval processes, and meeting updates, all from the comfort of your office (or a beach if you are lucky
- Bamboo KPI Column – Build quick and informative Key Performance Indicators with the Bamboo KPI Column. Define how the data is calculated and which KPI defines a particular set of data.
- Bamboo Visual Indicator – Want to bring a little color to your list views? Check out Bamboo Visual Indicator. Either display color bars to represent values of a choice column, or a progress bar based on a percent column.
- Calendar Plus Web Part – Take SharePoint calendar views to a new level! With Calendar Plus Web Part, view data from SharePoint Lists/Libraries, SQL Tables/Views, legacy systems using BDC/BCS or rollup multiple lists or libraries into a single calendar by connecting to List Rollup Web Part. Calendar Plus Web Part contains 8 views from which users may choose: Day, Week, Work Week, Month, Quarter, Year, and Gantt views. Also color code items based on an item value for quick referencing.
- Chart Plus Web Part – In my humble opinion, the most effective method of getting a point across is through the use of charts! SharePoint SERVER 2010 provides some fantastic charting capabilities but what about those who are running Foundation 2010? Bamboo has the answer for you! Chart Plus Web Part provides bars, pie, bubble and so much more as charting options. Connect to already grouped data or have Chart Plus Web Part group the data for you.
- Data-Viewer Web Part – If you are a power user in SharePoint, by now you have a lot of experience with LVWPs (List View Web Parts, for those unfamiliar with the acronym) as well as the limitations that come with them. Where is the conditional formatting? How about run time filters or grouping? Yes, some of this can be done using SharePoint Designer 2010 with the latest XLVs (XLT List View Web Parts, the latest generation of LVWPs) but allowing users to do so can be very, very dangerous. Data-Viewer Web Part, on the other hand, provides these abilities all within the confines of a Web Part. You can even show nesting of related lists or connect to SQL Tables/Views, legacy data through BDC/BCS or rolled up data using List Rollup Web Part.
- Group Email Web Part – Do you send a newsletter out to a mailing list or want to send a quick note to all users in your site for an event coming up? Check out Group Email Web Part. Send rich, informative emails to a maintained set of individuals through either an SMTP server or an email client through a single click.
- List Print – Have you ever came across a SharePoint List and wanted to print it off quickly to take to a meeting or review the data while sitting outside on a break, but when you printed the browser, you got a lot of extra nonsense you didn't want, such as page header and quick actions bar? List Print takes the most important information, the contents of the list itself, and sends that to the printer.
- List Rollup Web Part – Do you have important project data scattered across multiple sites? Do you get tired jumping from site to site to manage your tasks or documents? Say "hi" to List Rollup Web Part. List Rollup Web Part rolls up data from across sites, site collections and even Web Applications on the same SharePoint Farm into a single view. Define either specific lists to rollup or set List Rollup into Auto-Discovery mode and find the lists by either List Name or List Type.
- List Search Advanced and List Search Simple Web Parts – Ever wish you could search and get the perfect result back for a specific list, based on a specific column, but without getting results from other lists or a value from a column you didn't want to search on? That is where the List Search Web Parts come in. If looking to search on a specific column in a specific list for a LIKE match, try out List Search Simple. But if you require more flexibility, like comparison features or work with multiple lists of a given site, List Search Advanced would be more to your liking. You can also mix and match the two to meet your needs.
- SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard – It's all about the health; project health, that is. If you are like most people nowadays, you commonly don't manage just one project at a time, and possibly not even as few as 5 projects at a time. So how do you expect to know right then and there how your project is doing? With SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard, silly! See in a quick snap shot in time where your projects are: on time, ahead of schedule or overdue. Use valuable charts to visualize statuses.
- SharePoint Navigators – Clean and flexible navigation is the most effective way for users to find information. SharePoint Navigators provide various navigation interface options to help users get to the data they need.
- SharePoint Task Master – SharePoint 2010 introduced a new feature in SharePoint Tasks list called Predecessor Task. This allows users to associate tasks with one another and define when one task ends another should start. But SharePoint 2010 doesn't enforce this relationship. SharePoint Task Master, on the other hand, does. If a relationship exists and the end date for the Predecessor is changed, the successor is automatically updated accordingly. You can also build relationships simply by using the drag-and-drop feature found only in SharePoint Task Master.
- Site Creation Plus – As a SharePoint Administrator, granting permission to users to create sites can be a very scary proposition. Users can name sites whatever they like, provide random URLs and become easily confused with what Site Template they want to base the newly created site on. Thankfully, Site Creation Plus Web Part streamlines this process completely. Fewer options for users equals a happier SharePoint Administrator.
- Tree View Web Part – Navigating through SharePoint folders within document libraries and lists can become a real hassle. With Tree View Web Part, bring the users back to a more traditional and familiar interface, with a browser tree in the left panel and documents or list items in the right. Can optionally connect to site hierarchies, discussion boards and wiki libaries.
All of the Web Parts mentioned above are now supported on SharePoint 2010 (again that is SharePoint Foundation 2010 AND SharePoint Server 2010). So grab your board, catch the wave and hold on tight!
But hey, if you miss the June wave of products, Bamboo Solutions has a second major wave due out mid-to-late July, and the second wave will complete the Bamboo Project Management Suite. These products include (drum roll please):
- Alerts Administrator
- Bamboo Column Level Security
- Bamboo Custom Identifier Column
- Bamboo Lookup Selector
- Bamboo Rich Text
- Bamboo Validator Column
- Cross List Web Part
- File Share Library
- Filters Collection
- In/Out Schedule Board
- Mini Calendar Web Part
- My Alerts Organizer
- Team Calendar Web Part
Hope to see you catching one of the Bamboo waves out in the SharePoint ocean soon!