SPTechCon 2014: Bamboo Has Landed in Boston

Bamboo has landed in Boston! What can I say other than it’s a BEAUTIFUL day to be in Boston!  Not too hot, not too cool, and *just* the right amount of sunshine. This blogger judiciously booked an early flight and has a whole hour to kill before diving headfirst into SPTechCon Boston 2014. I’ve decided to take in some of the local scenery and post my first conference blog from the iconic Boston Commons. With a coffee and camera in hand, I can’t WAIT to start attending sessions and taking in all the SharePoint Beantown has to offer.

This year’s theme is crossroads and the future of SharePoint. Will it be Office 365? On-premises? Or perhaps a compromise – hybrid solutions?  The next two days are sure to tell. Until then, let’s sit back, relax, and enjoy some nature!

Stay tuned for more from SPTech Con Boston 2014!