SPLF 2012: Anders Johnsson’s Closing Remarks

We hope that you've found our Leadership Forum informative and that along the way you've had a chance to meet and talk to other people who, like you, believe that SharePoint holds great promise for enterprise business applications.  In addition to the overarching theme of collaboration, one of our major themes here today was the "SharePoint Journey."  We think that having others along the way to help can make any journey more rewarding and less challenging.  When it comes to SharePoint, I'm happy to say that you're not alone. Thousands of pioneers worldwide have explored uncharted territory with SharePoint, and you've heard from some of the most respected of them today. Nothing excites me more than helping customers advance on the journey from configuring basic team sites to deploying enterprise-level project management, knowledge management, and even CRM applications on top of the SharePoint foundation.

In my many years in the technology market, I've never seen a platform with more potential to transform global business.  In today's world, successful companies must react immediately.  SharePoint provides that potential by allowing millions of knowledge workers to collaborate instantly, and by supporting the rapid deployment of powerful business line applications.  You might even say that the "SharePoint Movement" is really an "Independence Movement" since it frees organizations from the major cost and programming effort associated with legacy Enterprise Content Management.

At Bamboo, we began our SharePoint Journey as a Web Parts vendor.  Many years and thousands of customers later, Bamboo is here to offer you much more than just Web Parts and applications.  We're here to offer you collective guidance, and to clearly mark the signposts on the road to SharePoint independence.  This is more than just a promise – it's the Bamboo Way.

Before we go, I'd like to thank all of our partners who made this happen by joining us to speak at our inaugural SharePoint Leadership Forum: Rob Manfredi, Mark Miller, Tim Cermak, Barry Jinks, Sadie Van Buren, Dan Holme, and Ed Hild.  Thank you for helping make the SharePoint Leadership Forum a success.

And to our gracious audience, as an extra token of thanks for your attendance, we'd like to present you with a gift to underscore our commitment to making SharePoint the platform for enterprise collaboration and content management.  Please be sure to pick up your envelope at the back of the room before you leave.

I look forward to seeing everyone again next year! 

Complete coverage of SharePoint Leadership Forum 2012: