Sneak Peek: User Manager for Sites for SharePoint 2013

Available soon for SharePoint 2013, User Manager for Sites provides a “Win-Win” deal for IT managers and front line employees such as site managers; managers can handle their own users faster since they can do it directly, and it frees up cycles for IT without sacrificing control.  Whether you’re the IT group looking to delegate some of your work, or the front line manager looking to take control of your own users, User Manager for Sites makes the management of your SharePoint environment more efficient, while allowing you to manage your time more effectively.

User Manager for Sites provides a valuable capability that you can’t get from SharePoint out-of-the-box: It lets you delegate user management capabilities to specific users, so they can view users, change passwords, create and manage users and groups, and edit AD profiles, all within a predefined Organizational Unit (OU) using a simple, centralized user interface.  In addition, you can define which specific users within your organization can modify user information, which OU they can affect, and even exclude specific accounts from being accessed the product. Simply put, User Manager for Sites provides you with the flexibility to decide who can manage users, and which users they can manage.

User Manager for Sites provides administrators or specific users with access to a simple, SharePoint-based application that lets them maintain and organize user access security information for Sites in a Site Collection. Managers can create, modify, or remove both users and groups from a single interface. Multiple default views allow managers to handle large numbers of users easily. Create users with multiple group access instead of having to do it one group at a time.

User Manager for Sites is currently available for users of SharePoint 2010 and 2007 and, as applicable, we invite you to take advantage of a free 30-day trial download to evaluate the product within your SharePoint environment in advance of the availability of the 2013 version.

Want even more sneak-peeks and previews for Bamboo Web Parts and components in SharePoint 2013?  Check out the complete series in the links below: