Sneak Peek at the New Features in the Upcoming 3.5 Release of Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2010

The Bamboo Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2010 displays SharePoint list/library, SQL table/view, Bamboo List Rollup or Business Data Catalog data without the need for creating a data view which requires the use of SharePoint Designer. Like the data views you can create with SharePoint Designer, you can allow dynamic grouping, filtering and sorting, exporting items to Microsoft Excel, and customizing the CSS or changing the Web Part skin. In addition, you can display nested child SharePoint list, SQL table/view, or List Rollup data. You can also perform inline editing of data, including SQL and List Rollup, apply conditional formatting and calculations to both the master data and the nested child data, and — with proper permissions — access Lists and List Rollup data-views from all across your SharePoint farm!

Today we will provide you an exciting inside glimpse to the next release of Data-Viewer Web Part.

1. Expanded control over the columns displayed.

  • Specify individual column widths. Manually give important columns such as item descriptions the room it deserves with a wider column.
  • Column Aliases – Column might mean something different to each audience. Provide column alias for the audience that will be using this instance of Data-Viewer Web Part.
  • Improved column positioning – Similar to SharePoint Views, select what position from the left to display columns. Refresh the grid to reorder based on the defined position for ease of management.


2. Allow your end users to resize columns dragging the column header boarders left and right when they interact with the Web Part. This will only affect their view and no one else.


3. Also in runtime, allow users to add and remove columns on the fly if they we require additional details.



4. Do you have limited space for the Data-Viewer Web Part? With Allow Scrollbar, you can place the data-viewer web part in the small space, and as a result, display scrollbars allowing the user to navigate within the grid content, leaving the Column Header and footer alone. If you do not want the column width to shrink, select “Use Static Headers” option allowing the columns to span left and right beyond the limit of the Web Part borders.



Data-Viewer Web Part is currently scheduled for release at the end of November. Hope these new features are as exciting to you as they are to us!