Shawn Beeson to Explore ‘Enterprise Social: A Human-centric Approach’ at SPLF 2013

Longtime readers will recall that when it comes to choosing conference session topics to cover, I’m always a sucker for a good social angle. Well, we invited NewsGator to participate in SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013 to cover the social space, trusting implicitly that whoever they sent as a speaker would crush it with regard to our theme of sustainable adoption within the context of social. Why did we feel this way?  Because quite simply, NewsGator is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end when it comes to enterprise social software for SharePoint.

SPLF attendees are fortunate indeed in that Shawn Beeson, a Solutions Engineer at NewsGator will be taking to the stage next week in both Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, Georgia to explore Enterprise Social: A Human-centric Approach. With expertise in enterprise social design and implementation, and all facets of SharePoint (gained, in part, during his time at Microsoft), with a strong emphasis on architecting and delivering highly customized, human-centric solutions built on the SharePoint platform.

Here, in his own words, is Shawn’s session abstract:

There are several important points to consider when designing and implementing effective collaboration strategies. In this session, we will cover the value of enterprise social in creating a highly efficient, collaborative environment that will drive adoption and sustainability for your organization. Join Shawn Beeson, Solutions Engineer of NewsGator, as he discusses how to minimize the barriers to entry for your users, and provides insight into techniques and tools to enable your users to collaborate and become more productive in a more natural and human-centric way.

Space is limited, so register for free today to secure yourself a seat in Washington, D.C. on 11/6, or Atlanta, Georgia on 11/7 (and to see the complete lineup of speakers and their sessions, including keynote speaker Dux Raymond Sy).  Free registration is also open for SPLF Dusseldorf, Germany on 11/12, and you may visit the official site to register, see speakers, etc. in German or in English.