Sharing the Point Tour Heading to Northern South America in September

Last year’s STP Tour of South America (Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile) was as memorable as it was productive, and was filled to bursting with highlights.  The STP team’s local members, Ricardo Munoz and Fabian Imaz were instrumental in the success of those original STP South America events, and our hosts in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Santiago ensured that we fell in love with each city.  As such, it was an easy decision for the team to make to return to the continent for another Tour.

This brings us to the Sharing the Point Northern South America TourJoel Oleson, Michael Noel, Paul Swider, Eric Harlan, and Ricardo Munoz* will first be bringing their SharePoint community-building expertise to Georgetown, Guyana on Tuesday, 9/3, and will wrap up the Tour on 9/11 in Quito, Ecuador, with stops in Caracas, Venezuela and Bogota, Columbia rounding out the Northern South American itinerary.

As always, all STP events are free to attend, and you need only click the relevant link below to register to secure a seat at the event in your city:

There are three sponsorship levels available for the Tour, and details on each package are available here.

Additional details (with Spanish translations) are available on both Joel’s blog and Paul’s blog, as well as at the Sharing the Point site.

* Due to circumstances beyond our control, STP members Mark Miller and I will, regrettably, be unable to take part in the Sharing the Point Northern South America Tour.  There is, however, a chance that one of my Bamboo colleagues will be able to attend and cover some of the events in my stead.  Should that work out, you know that you’ll read about it right here on Bamboo Nation.

Relive last year’s STP South America Tour:

  • Ricardo Munoz Introduces STP Buenos Aires
  • Joel Oleson’s ‘Social Intranets: Transforming Traditional Portals’ at STP Buenos Aires
  • Mark Miller’s ‘To Host or Not to Host: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Decisions’ at STP Buenos Aires
  • Michael Noel’s ‘Building the Perfect SharePoint Farm’ at STP Montevideo
  • Dan Holme’s ‘Architecting SharePoint for Scalability and Enforceable Governance’ at Sharing the Point Montevideo
  • Paul Swider’s ‘Developing and Extending Enterprise Content Management Features’ at STP Santiago