SharePoint Saturday Vietnam: Bamboo Demonstrates ‘The Importance of Considering Performance and Security for SharePoint WP/App’

SharePoint Saturday Vietnam: Bamboo Demonstrates ‘The Importance of Considering Performance and Security for SharePoint WP/App’

First and foremost, we would like to thank all of the speakers who presented at the sixth SharePoint Saturday Vietnam, as well as all of the sponsors who made the event possible.  It was our pleasure to have you as a partner in staging the country’s most recent SharePoint Saturday.

With SharePoint gaining popularity in Vietnam, it was only a matter of time before SharePoint Saturday took notice and hosted an event in Ho Chi Minh City.  The inaugural HCMC event, held this past Saturday, May 11 at Zenta Coffee & Restaurant, was an enormous success and is certain to be the first of many more SharePoint-centered events throughout Vietnam.

The event was kicked off at 9 AM by Nhut Nguyen, a SharePoint Consultant at Havey Nash.  His presentation, titled “The Core Value of Corporate Social Networking,” focused on how social networking impacts business as well as the value that social networking brings to an organization.  Starting with a presentation on social networking research and analysis, the discussion soon turned to the increasing popularity of social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  To close out his presentation, Nhut introduced Microsoft’s social networking tool, Yammer, and discussed some of its key features available in SharePoint 2013 and the core value it delivers to organizations.

Perhaps the best part of Nhut’s presentation was how reminiscent it was one of my favorite presentations from a previous SharePoint Saturday held in Vietnam.  The previous presentation, titled “A Glance at SharePoint 2013 Social Features” was given by Thuan Nguyen, who holds the record for being the youngest SharePoint Administration MVP (only 21 years old when he first received the honor!).  Thuan again focused on the social networking capabilities available in SharePoint 2013.  Specifically, he discussed how to leverage SharePoint 2013 and its powerful social features in order to increase collaboration within your organization.  To demonstrate his point, Thuan analyzed the financial benefits and potential losses of utilizing versus ignoring social networking in your company.

The next session at this past weekend’s SharePoint Saturday event was presented by Hai Nguyen, from Bamboo Solutions, and was titled “The Importance of Considering Performance and Security for SharePoint WP/App.”  For his presentation, Hai examined the common structure architecture of SharePoint with a focus on performance and security, as well as where these issues originate. His discussion concentrated on the different solutions, including Web Parts, applications, and tools, that can be utilized to optimize SharePoint’s performance within your organization.  This included an in-depth look at best practice programming and installation best practices that can be leveraged when implementing and deploying a SharePoint product/solution.

The final presentation of the event was given by Duane Wrobel of Avantility Company and was titled “Always Think the Content-Type.”  “Why do we use the Content-Type?” queried Duane.  His primary uses included:

  • To manage and grow communication and knowledge exchange between SharePoint developers and SharePoint administrators;
  • To maximize efficiency by way of making it easier to apply to all sites if there is a content type upgrade; and
  • To control the shape of information as well as its behavior and flow.

Once again, we would like to thank all of the speakers who presented at the sixth SharePoint Saturday Vietnam event, as well as all of the sponsors who made this event possible.  We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events – dates, and topics to be announced!