SharePoint Adoption & Scale Findings in the ‘Using SharePoint for ECM’ AIIM Report

Using SharePoint for ECM, the new AIIM report released yesterday, focuses on a number of different sectors of interest including: SharePoint Adoption and Scale, Deployment, SharePoint 2010 Experiences, Business Process and Third-Party Integration, Forward Strategies, and Governance.

A sampling of the survey results in the SharePoint Adoption and Scale sector include:

  • 28% are in the process of upgrading from 2007 to 2010; 8% have completed their upgrade to 2010.

  • 15% are rolling out 2010 as their first SharePoint deployment; 6% are live on 2010 as their first use of SharePoint.
  • Half of the total user base plan to be live on 2010 by October 2011, with a further 26% by April 2012.
  • Only 36% of organizations consider they have SharePoint in use for content management across most of the organization, of which 11% are using SharePoint as their only ECM system. Not surprisingly, smaller companies are twice as likely to have SharePoint as their only ECM system.
  • The IT department is the most advanced adopter and user of SharePoint, followed by line-of-business departments, which is attributed to the popularity of collaboration amongst project teams.
  • When asked to estimate how rapidly their stored content is increasing year-on-year, 28% consider it is 50% or more, i.e., doubling every two years, including 16% who are doubling or trebling every year.

Do any of these results strike you as surprising?  Though the survey notes that "most consider it to be 20 to 30%," I'm moderately surprised by the year-on-year estimates of stored content increases referenced above.  Those results lead me to believe that the market for compression software that can be applied to files stored in SharePoint is going to experience a boom in the not-too-distant future. 

Tomorrow, we'll take a look at a sampling of the survey findings related to Deployment.

Download your free copy of AIIM's free ECM industry report at:

Our look at the findings in the AIIM report: