SharePoint 2016: The Reinvention of Productivity Has Begun

It’s reassuring to think that, in the case of Microsoft and SharePoint 2016, you really can believe the hype. Anybody who read Bamboo’s March 4 article: SharePoint 2016: Patchwork Perfection? about the RTM release, certainly stands witness to that.

And so it is good to be able to say with certainty that general availability has been penciled in for May 4, 2016.

So here we are. The hype was true. The clues were good. SharePoint 2016 RTM arrived on the (whispered) due date, despite much doubt that it would. According to the Microsoft SharePoint Team blog, this release heralds nothing less than “Microsoft’s broader ambition to reinvent productivity.” No small statement, of course, although few are in any doubt that they mean it.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, Bamboo® will be bringing you all the latest on SharePoint 2016, including product information, helpful advice, opinions, and tips. There’s also a good chance that some extremely helpful and informative free content could be heading your way, so stay tuned.

And just to prove we’re good for it, here’s a free tip to get you started: The Future of SharePoint virtual event takes place on – wait for it – May 4, 2016 – with CVP OneDrive and SharePoint® maestro Jeff Teper at the helm. Touted as a “historic moment,” could this be yet more ‘hype’ that ultimately proves to be true?

It seems the future of SharePoint and the reinvention of productivity are inextricably linked.

Game on, then.