Sneak Peek: User Redirect Web Part for SharePoint 2013

Protect sensitive data redirecting users from restricted site pages quickly and easily with Bamboo’s User Redirect Web Part.

User Redirect Web Part redirects a particular user to a specified page. Now you no longer have to use Site and Cross-site groups to enforce security access, which can be a hassle when users belong to multiple groups. With User Redirect Web Part, security is maintained on each individual page, thus preventing any single user from viewing sensitive information. This makes maintaining the security of various pages within your portal easier, as well as reducing the time and bandwidth needed to test access security.

With User Redirect Web Part, the portal administrator is able to specify a list of users that can have access to a site, as well as which users do not have access to a site and should be redirected to another page or site.  Additionally, each user who lacks access to a specific page can be assigned to be redirected to a different redirect page:

User Redirect Web Part is currently available for users of SharePoint 2010 and 2007 and, if applicable, we invite you to take advantage of a free 30-day trial download to evaluate the product within your SharePoint environment in advance of the availability of the 2013 version.


Want even more sneak-peeks and previews for Bamboo Web Parts and components in SharePoint 2013?  Check out the complete series in the links below: