Say What? I Can’t Edit My Own SharePoint 2010 My Site?!!

While tooling around on the Bamboo portal yesterday afternoon, I dropped into my My Site and quickly realized three things. First, I apparently haven’t spent any time on my My Site since the portal was upgraded to 2010 early this year. Second, from a Web Part perspective, nothing I had done on my My Site in 2007 had migrated to the 2010 version. Not that this last was a problem for me since, as longtime readers may have deduced, I (mostly) used my MOSS 2007 My Site as a (mainly) “safe” test area on production. Lastly, and most surprisingly, I realized that I apparently lacked the ability to edit my own My Site in 2010!

I should clarify that last statement. I could edit my profile and anything else that was a hyperlink-enabled edit (such as updating my areas of expertise in the Ask Me About Web Part), but there was no Ribbon and no Edit button anywhere. In other words, there was no ability to edit a page, which meant, among other things, I couldn’t even add a Web Part to my My Site (or, for that matter, configure one of the “stock” Web Parts within the My Site).

After an unsuccessful round of everyone’s favorite game show, Googling for Answers, I threw in the towel and proceeded directly to Brett, our SharePoint Admin. In short order, Brett had hooked me up with the ability to edit the My Content portion of my My Site:

I asked Brett what he’d needed to do to bring this about, and he answered:

“I had to use SharePoint Designer to open your My Site page, delete the default.aspx page, and add the default.aspx page from c$Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions14TEMPLATESiteTemplatesSPSMSITE on the server.  I added some Web Parts just to make sure that everything was working OK.”

I asked Brett if that template change was global or if he’d have to make the change for each employee who wants or needs the ability to edit their My Site. He hasn’t had a chance to look into it yet, but he suspects that he’ll have to do each individually.  Can that possibly be right?  I certainly hope not for Brett’s sake and the sake of all SharePoint 2010 admins out there.

Anyway, now that I’ve broken the seal on my 2010 My Site, I’m thinking it might be time to resume my old “Pimp My SharePoint My Site” series … 2010 edition, baby!