Reasons to Hire a SharePoint Consultant

Did you know that SharePoint is the leading platform used by more than 78 percent of Fortune 500 companies? It is used for organization-wide collaboration, asset management, intranets, and many other purposes. If you want to leverage SharePoint to your business’s advantage but are new to it, it’s best to hire a SharePoint consultant.

With an expert by your side, developing on SharePoint can be fruitful for your business for numerous reasons. Continue reading to find out how:

Tailored SharePoint Solution

A professional SharePoint consultant can tailor SharePoint according to your business needs. They can maximize its capabilities to make sure it is the perfect fit for your company. In other words, developer SharePoint will provide you with step-by-step guidance with the planning and implementation stages of SharePoint.

These steps include:

  • Identifying technical requirements
  • Content organization and structure

Additionally, a consultant can also help set goals and quantifiable metrics to achieve your vision. They will help you develop customized plans and specialized workflows, empowering your team to communicate, collaborate and use SharePoint more efficiently. For example, your consultant can create a customized workflow for the document approval process—defining the process that should be initiated when documents are ready for review and approval.

Extended Functionality

SharePoint is a feature-rich platform that provides excellent functionality. However, using and leveraging the features can redefine your business performance, taking it to the next level. If you’re new to the platform, chances are that you may lack a proper understanding of SharePoint functionalities and architecture, which will lead to poor system adoption and integration. This is why it makes sense to work with an experienced consultant. An expert has a solid understanding of each feature and can easily leverage web parts in SharePoint, third-party tools, and other crucial elements in your favor.

For example, a SharePoint consultant can help you add micro-blogging, news feeds, tagging, and other interactive features to make your community sites more valuable. Put simply, when developing on SharePoint, a consultant can help you find and tap into new ways to adapt, connect and use the platform—extending its functionality to the fullest.

With this, your team will feel empowered and more confident than ever before. This will further encourage them to use and adapt the SharePoint solution as their own, without any resistance or anxiety.

Cost Savings with Improved ROIs

Can it get better than this? With a SharePoint consultant onboard, you can maximize your returns on investment on this platform. As you work with an experienced SharePoint consultant, they will help you integrate and deploy the platform into your organization seamlessly. This will save you a great deal of time, energy, resources, and money, which otherwise companies invest in learning the ropes and navigating their way through the system for months and sometimes even years.

You can also allocate your resources and time to other revenue-generating areas of your business and grow your financial bottom-line. Additionally, a SharePoint consultant can help you save on the development cost and increase output by using each feature to its full potential, thereby improving returns on investments across the entire organizational ecosystem.

Stay Up-to-date with the SharePoint Evolution

It’s crucial to understand that SharePoint is continuously evolving and growing with customized features, apps, and new web parts. With every new release of SharePoint version (like 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019) there are interface changes and new features added to the platform. And thus, the latest release is also anticipated to come with more significant changes.

As the pace of these changes is fast, it is vital to consult an experienced SharePoint professional who is abreast of the latest developments. A SharePoint consultant will be updated about all the new developments and features.

They will guide you better and help you use the platform most productively. This is much needed to ensure that you’re working on the latest SharePoint version and features and that your company is evolving right alongside SharePoint, remaining as competitive as possible.

Put simply, a consultant can review your existing SharePoint infrastructure, audit and analyze it to find and fix problems, and accordingly recommend changes where needed. They can help you build a proper SharePoint infrastructure from the ground up too. Plus, they can make sure that you follow and conform to Microsoft’s best practices to ensure that the system runs smoothly and seamlessly.

With a SharePoint consultant, you can be confident that they will provide you with quality, relevant, and best advice and work as a natural extension of your team, ensuring that your business reaps the most benefits from integrating SharePoint in your business landscape.

Eliminate the Need for Intensive Training Sessions

As employees are busy with mission-critical work, it is costly for your business and frustrating for your workforce to attend multiple intensive training sessions. However, by hiring a professional SharePoint consultant, you can invest in quicker and direct training. They can provide your employees with hands-on guidance without wasting time or cutting corners. It will help your workers resume work faster while ensuring that they can smoothly use the platform, thereby leading to greater team productivity.

Contact us

If you’re looking for a reliable, trusted, and experienced team of SharePoint consultants, contact us. At Bamboo Solutions, we specialize in SharePoint consultancy and services. From a simple SharePoint implementation to an enterprise-wide solution, web content management, custom applications, upgrades, or migration, we can help you with all your SharePoint needs and goals

Our Microsoft gold-certified SharePoint consultants have the experience, expertise, and knowledge to provide you with quality guidance at every step with complete satisfaction. We can help you develop, architect, integrate, test, and deploy SharePoint that adds to your business value, performance, and team productivity.

For more information, schedule an initial consultation today. Find out how SharePoint can provide your business cost and productivity benefits today, into the future, and throughout the organization’s growth.