Project Management Central Minor Release for R3.0: New In-place Upgrade to SharePoint 2010 Version, and Additional Workflow

I recently got around to finally sunsetting my old phone, choosing to refresh it with a new iPhone. Wow, there are so many cool things I can do with just a single touch. My iPhone experience reminds me of being able to take advantage of the features and capabilities that are offered in SharePoint 2010 as compared to SharePoint 2007. I’m pleased to announce that in the new minor release for PM Central R3.0, we provide the ability for you to do an in-place upgrade to move your content from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 and not only take advantage of the features in SharePoint 2010, but also the essential features in PM Central R3.0. Furthermore, since most organizations need process and governance around their project site creation, we’ve added another workflow for a Project Site Creation Request via Workflow Conductor.

Here are the high-level highlights for this minor release:

In-place upgrade to SharePoint 2010 (See KB.12800 for more information.)

Request for Project Site Creation via Workflow Conductor (See KB.12789 for more information.)

Take Advantage of User Profile Import Utility to import User Profiles into the Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP)


and much more…

My last post has more information regarding other new features offered in R3.0 . We will continue to work to innovate and improve PM Central as the platform and fabric for collaboration and project management on SharePoint. As always, we welcome your feedback. If you’re unfamiliar with PM Central, we offer a free 30-day trial . Alternatively, you can pass the installation process signing up for a sandbox and taking PM Central out for a test drive right away.