PM Central Installation Made Simple

Hello again, Bamboo Nation.  I hope this post finds you well.  In my last couple of posts, I wrote one about Bamboo Essentials, and a tongue-in-cheek post which also focused on Bamboo Essentials but told the tale of Frank, an Imperial Stormtrooper, and his SharePoint expertise.  That little flight of fancy was fun to write, but please be advised that this particular post is much more serious Smile. This post is about the Installation and Deployment of Project Management Central (PM Central), and how to make the installation process 100% worry- and trouble-free.  This can be done just by remembering these 4 words: let us do it.  That's right, we would be more than happy to help you install and/or train you how to use PM Central in your own environment!  Don't get me wrong, we also offer a wealth of comprehensive online documentation that will allow you to successfully deploy PM Central on your own without a hitch, but if you're anything like me you learn more quickly and more efficiently when the material you are learning is visual and, more importantly, interactive. 

Let's be serious – who wants to spend time trolling through online application notes when you can arrange for our PM Central Installation Support Services and have an expert technician with you on the phone or in an online meeting showing you how to install the solution right there in your environment?  We will have a technician spend three hours with you, going over all of the information you need to know before an install, which Web Parts to install (and in which order), and plenty of advice about what sorts of things to be aware of with certain Web Parts.  Should something come up that our technician cannot address, they have direct contact with our engineering team and will serve as the liaison between both parties to effect a successful installation.  With our PM Central Installation Support Services, you win because you will fully understand the ins and outs of a PM Central install, and without having had to do all the work on your own.

We also provide online documentation detailing how to configure and setup PM Central.  But here again, why not let us walk you through it? Schedule a PM Central Jump Start Training Series with one of our PM Central experts!  Another three-hour offering, your first hour covers the PM Central Portfolio Site.  This will include going through the Configuration Checklist, a review of all site features, lists, Web Parts and their usage, how to customize the look and feel, best practices do's and don'ts, and much more. The second hour includes an overview of the Project Site with an overview of its configuration checklist, site features and their usage, a review of the lists and their contents, how to save a customized project site for use at the portfolio level, and much more.  The third hour of the PM Central Jump Start Training Series is dedicated to a Q&A session. This final hour takes place a week or two after the project site review, so you'll have had some time to better familiarize yourself with PM Central.  During this call, your technician will field all of your PM Central questions, and tend to any remaining odds and ends that may have come up.

So not only will you get PM Central up and running quickly, you will have a thorough understanding of how PM Central works, including the best practices for its use. So give the Bamboo Sales Team a call toll-free at 1-877-226-2662 or email us at and we'll set you up with everything you need on how to move forward.