Online Documentation: SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part (Bamboo Labs Release)

Note:  This  documentation refers to the initial beta release of the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part, now available as a free download from Bamboo Labs.

Table of Contents
System Requirements
Installing the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part
Uninstalling the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part
Configuring the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part
Translating the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part in Different Language
Locating Error Log Files
Using the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part


The SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part provides a read-only, top-down, hierarchical view of an organization.  Utilizing Microsoft Silverlight 4 technology, the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part provides a quick glimpse into a corporation’s organizational structure using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 profiles as the data source.  Each user profile is represented a Business Card that presents MOSS 2007 profile attributes in an easy-to-read format.  Users can navigate through the management tiers of an organization and optionally print the displayed Organization Chart for future reference.  The SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part also provides users the ability to search MOSS 2007 profiles based on specific profile attributes.  They can then quickly view a selected resulting profile’s Business Card and identify the individuals that report to them within the organization.

System Requirements

Operating System

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and 2008


SharePoint Release 3:
– Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 with Service Pack 2
– Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0

Client Browser

– Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher
Microsoft Silverlight 4

Installing the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part

Before you install the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part, make sure you have the appropriate rights. The account running the installation should be:

  • A member of the local server Administrators group.
  • A member of the SharePoint farm administrators group.
  • A site collection administrator for each site collection where the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part will be available. This is required to automatically activate the site collection feature.

Recommendations for a Successful Installation

Follow these guidelines to ensure a successful installation:

  1. Make sure that your system meets the requirements outlined in the System Requirements section of this documentation.
    – Make sure the account performing the installation has the required permissions for the installation. This account should be a SharePoint farm administrator and a local server administrator. Optionally, it should also be a site collection administrator for the sites to which you wish to automatically deploy the Web Part.
  2. Make sure the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) is stopped.
    – To stop the W3SVC, go to Start and right-click on My Computer, then select Manage.

    – Expand Services and Applications and click Services.

    – Scroll down to the bottom of the list of services until you see World Wide Web Publishing Service.

    – Right-click on it and select Stop.

For more information, please see KB.12464: Installation Best Practices.

Installing the Web Part

To install the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part from the Bamboo Setup program, select the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part component and then click the Install button.

NOTE: This Web Part is currently only supported on MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0.

  1. Click Next to begin the installation.


  2. The setup wizard performs a system check prior to the installation. All the system checks must be completed successfully in order to proceed with the installation. After the checks have completed, click Next.

  3. Review and accept the Bamboo End-User License Agreement, then click Next.
  4. Select the Web Application(s) where you want to install the product. Select the Automatically activate features check box to automatically activate this feature for all site collections within the selected Web Application, then click Next.

    WARNING: You must be logged in to the SharePoint server with a Site Collection Administrator account to automatically activate this feature.

  5. Upon completion of the installation, click Next.

  6. The final screen will display a log of the installation process.  Review the log to see if any errors were returned.  Click Close to complete the installation.

Uninstalling the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part

To uninstall:

  1. Open the Web Part Pages in the SharePoint Farm that contains the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part.
  2. Place the Web Part page into Edit Page mode and select Delete from the Web Part’s action menu.
  3. On a Web Front-end Server in the SharePoint Farm, double-click the Setup.bat program included in the product download exe file.
  4. From the Setup program screen, click the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part component button under the Components section, and then click Install.
  5. Click Next to begin the installation.
  6. The setup wizard performs a system check prior to the installation. All the system checks must be completed successfully in order to proceed with the installation. After the checks have completed, click Next.
  7. Select the option Remove All, then click Next.
  8. When the Uninstallation process is complete, click Next.
  9. The final screen will display a log of the installation process.  Review the log to see if any errors were returned.  Click Close to complete the installation.

Configuring the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part

After the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part has been installed, it is available in the Web Part Gallery. Users with the Designer or Full Control permission levels can add the Web Part to website pages.

To add the Web Part to a page

  1. On a Web Part Page, click Site Actions in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Edit Page.
  3. Find the zone where you want to install the Web Part and click Add a Web Part.
  4. From the Add Web Parts window, find and select the Bamboo SharePoint Organization Web Part found in the Bamboo Solutions section, and then click Add.

Configuring the Web Part

  1. In the title bar of the newly added Bamboo SharePoint Organization Web Part, click the action menu and select Modify Shared Web Part.

  2. Update the settings as defined below within the SharePoint OrgChart Configuration section.

    a) Select the User Profile Attributes to Display. These attributes will become visible in the Web Part Business Cards in Browse mode and from the Search Results grid in the Search mode. Order the attributes within Selected Display Attributes list box to define the order the attributes are to be displayed. This order will be used in the Business Cards from top to bottom and in Search Results grid from left to right. NOTE: Full Name is a special attribute created the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part. It is a combination of the profile’s First Name attribute and Last Name attribute, and it is only available in the run-time mode of the Web Part. This is not a new attribute that is created in the Shared Service Provider Profile Database.

    Configuration of Display Attributes and their order

    Example of Business Card                                  Example of Search Results Grid

    b) Select Searchable Profile Attributes. The list of Selected Search Attributes controls the profile attributes that users can search on in Additional Search Options in the product Search mode. Order the attributes within the Selected Search Attributes list box to define the order of the attributes shown to be displayed at run-time in the Additional Search Options window.

    Configuration of Advanced Search Attributes and their order

    Example of Additional Search Options

    c) Set User Display Options. Enable or disable individual Web Part display using the following checkboxes.

    Display Profile Picture will display the image of the profile attribute Picture in the Business Card and Search Results grid.

    Business Card with Profile Picture                               Business Card without Profile Picture

    Search Results Grid With Profile Picture

    Search Results Grid Without Profile Picture

    – Display Link to User’s Public My Site will make the user’s Full Name attribute a hyperlink to their My Site in both the Business Card and Search Results Grid.

    Display Attribute Labels in Business Cards will display each of the attribute labels in the Business Cards. If you find that too much information is crowding the display, then this option can be used to limit the display of information.

    Business Cards with Attribute Labels                         Business Cards without Attribute Labels

    Allow Print determines if the print option is available in Browse mode. There is currently no print option in Search mode.

    d) Set the Organization Chart Top Manager.  This control defines the top Business Card shown in Browse mode of the Organization Chart.  Similar to SharePoint’s People Picker, optionally enter a partial name in the field and click the Check Name icon  or click the Browse icon  for a more complex search.  Refer to the section Using the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part for more information about the Organization Chart Top Manager.

    e) Select a Language.  This setting allows users to modify all strings in the Web Part Tool Pane, Web Part display modes, and returned error messages.  Refer to the section on Customizing the Translation Settings for more information.

    f) Click Apply and then OK to save the SharePoint OrgChart Configuration settings.

Translating the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part in Different Language

There are four language files included with the install of this Web Part. They are:

  • 1033.English.xml
  • 1036.French.xml
  • 1034.Spanish.xml
  • 1031.German.xml

These files are located in the wpresources folder.

  • For SharePoint 2010, this folder may be located under the following path:

The French, German, and Spanish files have not yet been translated; they are still in English. You need to edit these files directly to provide your own translation of the Web Part user interface and tool pane text. To make sure that these files are not overwritten upon upgrading the Web Part with future releases, copy the default file for the language you want to the wpresource folder and rename it (For example: CompanyName.1036.French.xml). If you do not rename the files you modify, these files will be overwritten when a Web Part upgrade is installed.

The installation program will not remove or overwrite the translation file you’ve created if it is named differently from the default resource files provided Bamboo. However, upgrades of this Web Part may require that you modify this custom translation file to include new resource strings that are added in future product upgrades. The product will display the missing resource string IDs after an upgrade installation is completed.

For additional information on how to use the Language Translation files, view the Bamboo Solutions blog Translating the Bamboo Products.

Locating Error Log Files

To troubleshoot Web Part errors, go to C:WINDOWSTempBambooSolutions to retrieve the log files.

Using SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part

The SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part is comprised of two modes:

  • Browse mode displays an organization chart of users in a defined hierarchy tree, displaying individual information in Business Cards format.
  • Search mode allows users to search the SharePoint profile database and display the results in a list view.

Browse Mode

Browse mode is a collection of Business Cards arranged in a linked top-down hierarchy called the Organization Cart.

Displayed Business Cards are arranged based on the Organization Chart Top Manager setting in the SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part tool pane.  The individual that is defined in Organization Chart Top Manager is identified as the top individual in the Organization Chart.  Each level below the Organization Chart Top Manager includes user profiles where the Manager attribute matches the Top Manager.  Sub-levels of the Organization Chart are created in a like manner where a profile’s Manager attribute is matched to the profile listed above that level.

To expand or minimize a level, click on the bottom of the Manager’s Business Card.

The Browse mode also provides a set of display action buttons across the top of the Web Part.

  •  Full Organization Chart resets the Organization Chart in Browse mode to the defined Organization Chart Top Manager. This action is useful for users who selected Org Chart in the Search Results Grid to view the Business Card of a profile in the search results. Refer to Search Mode for more details.
  •  Print allows users to print the Organization Chart. The display of this option is controlled in the Web Part Tool Pane the option Allow Print. NOTE: Bamboo Solutions recommends users to switch the page orientation from Portrait to Landscape for optimized printing results.
  •  Display View Controls These three controls allow the user to Zoom In and Zoom Out  of the Organization Chart. The user can also reset the zoom level to default selecting Reset  . NOTE: The zoom level also affects the size of the Business Cards when printing.
  •  Full Screen allows users to switch from consolidated Web Part Zone to a full screen view of the Organization Chart.

Search Mode

Search mode allows users to search all profiles using either a basic search field or on specific attributes using Search Options.

The basic search box Enter Name allows the user to enter a value and execute a search either hitting [Enter] key or clicking the Search icon .  The SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part will search the First Name and Last Name attributes for profiles containing the entered text anywhere in those attributes.  A complete match is not required to produce search results .

Users can optionally refine their search clicking Search Options to view the Additional Search Options screen.  This will enable them to expand their search to include additional attribute criteria.  Attributes displayed in the Additional Search Options screen are defined in the Web Part Tool Pane.  After the user enters the appropriate values in the specific attribute criteria, the user can execute a search either hitting the [Enter] key or clicking the Search icon .

Upon completion of a search, the Search Results Grid will be updated with a listing of all profiles that match the defined search criteria. The attributes that are displayed in the grid and the order that they appear are controlled the list box Selected Display Attributes in the Web Part Tool Pane.  Each resulting row contains the Org Chart link.  Clicking this link will take the user to the Browse mode and the selected profile’s Business Card will be displayed as the Organization Chart Top Manager.  Along with displaying the selected profile’s Business Card, all profiles that report to the selected profile will be shown below the Business Card in a top-down hierarchical display.  To reset the Organization Chart to the original Organization Chart Top Manager that is defined in the Web Part Tool Pane, the user can click the Full Organization Chart icon  in the Browse mode action bar.


This is a Beta release of SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part.  To provide feedback, including enhancements, bugs, or questions about functionality; please post your comment to the forum located on the Bamboo Nation Community site.

re: Online Documentation: SharePoint Organization Chart Web Part (Bamboo Labs Release)
on Tue, Mar 19 2013 5:28 AM

I can’t install this webpart in sharepoint Entreprise 2010.

The webpart is not found in webpart list insertion.