Not Your Average Demo: One-on-One Expert Sessions for You

How many times have you exited a webinar because you felt like the content wasn’t what you signed up for? We do it all the time. And quite rightfully so because we don’t want to listen to a shameless sales pitch in the 30-60 minutes we set aside in our busy schedules. So when the selling starts, we abandon ship and hang up.

That’s why we launched our special promotion, Not Your Average Demo, in which we wanted to focus on your interests and concerns. In these 30-minute, personalized demos, you get to take the wheel and gain the information you seek.

What’s the catch?

Well, we only have limited seats left. If you wish to take advantage of our offer, you’ll need to act now.

So why is this unique offer really Not Your Average Demo?

  1. It’s not a sales trap. We are a company that sells software, but we are also thought leaders in the SharePoint industry. We’ve been around for a while and know our stuff. With this free offer, you get the demo you want, without the sales pitch.
  2. It’s not a ‘Take a rain check’ opportunity. With a SharePoint expert at your disposal, free of charge, this is a very rare opportunity and an investment of time with a potentially strong return. Send us a message if you’re having issues with the time slots.
  3. It isn’t limited to any specific SharePoint solution… If you have an issue but aren’t sure how to pinpoint it exactly, just describe it to our expert and he’ll try to work out where the issue lies and how to fix it.

Let Bamboo help you get the answers to your questions. Our SharePoint experts, Sean and Matt, are looking forward to chatting with you. Also, you can sign up for our newsletter, here!