New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Valerie Schrotel

New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Valerie Schrotel

Editor’s note: Longtime readers may recall our “New Faces” series, in which we would introduce our new hires to Bamboo Nation. Shamefully, my count, there are nearly 20 “new” faces at Bamboo since the series last appeared (in the spring of 2011!). In other words, we’re long overdue to make some introductions, so let’s not delay any longer, and continue making up for lost time…

When did you join the Bamboo Solutions team, and what is your role?

I joined Bamboo on March 11, 2013, as the Administrative Services Manager.

What are your personal goals regarding your position for the remainder of 2013? 

My primary goal for 2013 is to have all facets of the Reston Office in perfectly organized order to allow for the most efficient running of the office.  Additionally, I would like to learn more about SharePoint and Bamboo’s products.

What’s your professional background?

I have over 20 years of experience in office administration, personnel management, customer service and support, organizational management, and operational efficiency.

What prompted you to join the Bamboo team?

I was impressed by all of the positive attributes Lindsay shared about Bamboo and the staff.  Lindsay and I had worked together at a previous company and worked very well together, so I trusted her opinions.

What were some of your first impressions of working at Bamboo?

My very first impression was that there were so many welcoming people!  During those first weeks (and even now) I found everyone willing to help and answer questions as I started to find my way around.

With over 70 products to learn, did/do you feel overwhelmed?  What’s your strategy been for getting up to speed?

Just start at the beginning.

Other than your deep and abiding love of extending SharePoint, what interests or hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

I love to read, cook and bake, spoil my dachshund “Sadie” (I’m an expert at that), and brag about my four sons and their families.