New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Sean Foster

New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Sean Foster

Editor’s note: Longtime readers may recall our “New Faces” series, in which we would introduce our new hires to Bamboo Nation. Shamefully, my count, there are nearly 20 “new” faces at Bamboo since the series last appeared (in the spring of 2011!). In other words, we’re long overdue to make some introductions, so let’s not delay any longer, and continue making up for lost time…

When did you join the Bamboo Solutions team, and what is your role?

I joined the Bamboo Sales Team in August of 2012.  I am now an Account Manager.

What are your personal goals regarding your position for the remainder of 2013? 

I am the Account Manager for the Northeast region, covering states from Pennsylvania to Maine, as well as most of Asia.  My goals for the remainder of this year are to be the top salesperson for the quarter, surpass my yearly sales goal, and to go above and beyond while guiding Bamboo customers as they look to better their business processes and acumen with robust SharePoint solutions.

What’s your professional background?

I have been in sales and marketing positions since the beginning of my career.  I wrote sales proposals for Enterprise Accounts at a software company right out of college, later was one of the first ten sales reps at a fast-growing start-up company and helped it grow significantly over three years (now over 100 sales reps!), and currently I am guiding business customers along the Bamboo Way.

What prompted you to join the Bamboo team?

The people.  From the second I stepped in the door at Bamboo, I could tell it was a welcoming environment.  It’s like having a second family.  It’s reassuring coming to work every day when you know your goals are aligned with your co-workers, and that they have your back when you need it.

What were some of your first impressions of working at Bamboo? 

The food, oh the food.  I was lucky enough to participate in my first “Bamboo Feast” where everyone brings in dishes from home.  The warm atmosphere and contagious smiles were enough to keep me coming back for seconds, and thirds, and..!   Aside from the wonderful culinary skills of my co-workers, it was refreshing to work with such savvy and interested customers who are truly interested in making things more efficient for their particular organization.  The thing I love the most is talking to clients.

With over 70 products to learn, did/do you feel overwhelmed?  What’s your strategy been for getting up to speed?

You feel a little overwhelmed at first, but you just have to remember that you can’t learn it all in a day.  Over time you get used to talking about the products, even using them, and sooner or later you know more than you did before.  I learn something new every day and I like it that way – always keeps you on your toes.

Other than your deep and abiding love of extending SharePoint, what interests or hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

Wait?  Do you mean there’s more out there than just SharePoint!?  When I throw off the suit and tie I like to get outdoors with my dog, Tank.  Anything with water involved is always a must.  If I’m not exploring the outdoors, you can usually find me on my patio strumming the guitar or at the local pub watching sports.