New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Julie Morris

New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Julie Morris

Editor’s note: Longtime readers may recall our “New Faces” series, in which we would introduce our new hires to Bamboo Nation. Shamefully, my count, there are nearly 20 “new” faces at Bamboo since the series last appeared (in the spring of 2011!). In other words, we’re long overdue to make some introductions, so let’s not delay any longer, and continue making up for lost time…

When did you join the Bamboo Solutions team, and what is your role?

I joined the Bamboo team in January of 2013, and my role is Marketing Associate with a focus on copywriting.

What are your personal goals regarding your position for the remainder of 2013? 

My main goal is to continue to grow and develop with Bamboo both professionally as well as personally.  I’ve learned a lot in my first four months and look forward to continuing to develop and contribute to both the Marketing team, as well as to the organization as a whole.

What’s your professional background?

Prior to Bamboo, I served as the Marketing Coordinator for Himes Associates, Ltd., a professional owner’s representative services firm.  While at Himes, I had a large range of responsibilities including marketing, communications, and online marketing management, as well as business development and serving on the Board of Directors for the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of CoreNet.  I have also held marketing and administrative positions for NEWAsurion, Lisle Architecture & Design, and Spring Arbor University.  I graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelors of Arts in History.

What prompted you to join the Bamboo team?

After 3+ years at Himes, I was ready to take the next step in my career path.  After researching Bamboo, it seemed like it would not only provide a smooth transition but also had the long-term potential and developmental opportunities that I was looking for in an organization.

What were some of your first impressions of working at Bamboo? 

From the second I set foot in Bamboo HQ for my interview, I knew it was a place that I wanted to be.  Everyone at Bamboo is super friendly, laid back, and a pleasure to work with.  I was definitely nervous to be starting a new job, but given how helpful and flexible everyone was, it felt like I fit right in from the onset and had nothing to worry about.  Oh, and there’s food EVERYWHERE – you can’t walk 5 feet without tripping over a jar of peanut M&Ms.

With over 70 products to learn, did/do you feel overwhelmed?  What’s your strategy been for getting up to speed?

I don’t think I ever felt overwhelmed by our product selection.  In some ways, I felt like I had a slight advantage as I came from a project management firm and therefore had a solid understanding of the how’s and why’s of why people would need Bamboo Web Parts and applications.  As far as my strategy for getting up to speed, I’m definitely a “hit the ground running” type of person, and Bamboo was no exception.  I really tried to dive right in with the knowledge acquisition and, as mentioned previously, everyone is really helpful and available if I have questions or don’t understand something.

Other than your deep and abiding love of extending SharePoint, what interests or hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

As most people at Bamboo know, the apple of my eye is my little puppy Rory, a boxer mix.  While most of my free time is dedicated to being a full-time “puppy mommy,” I also enjoy reading, writing (shocking coming from a copywriter, I know), and outdoor activities such as rollerblading, running, and hiking.