New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Jen Schoch

Editor’s note: Longtime readers may recall our “New Faces” series, in which we would introduce our new hires to Bamboo Nation. Shamefully, by my count, there are nearly 20 “new” faces at Bamboo since the series last appeared (in the spring of 2011!). In other words, we’re long overdue to make some introductions, so let’s not delay any longer, and continue making up for lost time…

When did you join the Bamboo Solutions team, and what is your role?

While I’m not necessarily a “New Face,” I haven’t had the opportunity to formally introduce myself yet  I joined the team in November of 2011 as an Account Manager on the Sales Team.

What are your personal goals regarding your position for the remainder of 2013?

Because of the diversity of the territory I managewhich includes the West Coast of the U.S. and Canada, Central America, South America, and the Caribbeanone of my main goals is to gather new use cases and user experiences regarding Bamboo products to help share with potential customers how Bamboo products are currently being utilized to enhance business models. For example, I would like to share with our potential customers in Jamaica what our current customers in California are doing to enhance their businesses in using PM Central, which affords me allows me the opportunity to provide potential new customers with real-world examples of how Bamboo products would be a beneficial choice for them. If you are interested in participating and helping me reach my goal of gathering current use cases and user stories regarding our products, or if you have any inquiries with which I may assist you, I have listed my contact information below:

Jen Schoch

Account Manager | Bamboo Solutions Corporation

Direct: 703.964.2016 | Toll Free: 877.226.2662 ext. 2016

What’s your professional background?

I have 5 years of B2B software sales experience and, before that, 4 years of B2C sales and customer service experience.

What prompted you to join the Bamboo team?

No question that joining Bamboo wasn’t going to be fun, but what I was really looking forward to was being a part of a company that was so well-known and had such a great reputation within the SharePoint arena. I’ve been able to witness Bamboo’s great presence within the SharePoint arena at various shows and events where I have had the opportunity to represent the company. The number of people who go out of their way to stop to share with us the great experiences they’ve had using our products, and how Bamboo’s products have positively impacted their business only confirmedand has continued to confirmmy initial thoughts about joining the Bamboo team.

What were some of your first impressions of working at Bamboo?

Bamboo really makes it a point to embrace and practice a team mentality amongst the different departments that make up the company’s body. There is absolutely no division between different departments, and everyone is constantly working together, bouncing ideas off of each other and asking for feedback or help when needed. I also couldn’t get over how refreshing it was to find a group of people so passionate about their products and helping their customers achieve their goals.

With over 70 products to learn, did/do you feel overwhelmed? What’s your strategy for getting up to speed?

I had 4 weeks of Bamboo Boot Camp before taking over my territory. Getting acquainted with Bamboo’s vast product line was definitely a challenge, but since I came from a company with a very small product line this was an exciting change of pace for me. I spent as much time as I could with other departments to fully get to know our products. For example, I spent time with Product Management to learn why we developed a certain product; Marketing, which helped me learn how we shared our offerings; Services, which taught me how we trained our users on our products; and Technical Support, which showed me how we offered advice or troubleshooting. The individual products themselves are ever-changingwe are constantly improving the functionality and adding features to improve our user’s experiencesso with each new version, it’s back to Bamboo Boot Camp!

Other than your deep and abiding love of extending SharePoint, what interests or hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

I am currently working on my skills in the kitchen, and thankfully there are plenty of fellow “foodies” here at Bamboo! We take advantage of any excuse to throw a party! We bring a fun, social aspect to the office as we often get together in the kitchen to de-stress and recharge with Bamboo events like Holiday Baking, our Annual Chili Cook-off, plenty of Spring and Summer BBQs, and celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, and, more recently, announcing the release of our first wave of SharePoint 2013-compatible products! As you can see, there is no shortage of reasons to celebrate with food around here, so this provides me with plenty of opportunities to try out new recipes or some old favorites from my co-workers. To balance out the fully stocked kitchen and celebratory feasts, I’ve also gotten back into running. I’m currently training for the Army 10-Miler and the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half-Marathon in October.

re: New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Jen Schoch

on Fri, Oct 18, 2013, 1:54 PM<

Hi Jen, Cool site!