New Faces of Bamboo: Introducing Bruno Gabrielli

Editor’s note:  There have been several new additions to the Bamboo team since our last “New Faces” series, so it’s time once again to introduce the new folks to Bamboo Nation. Next up is Bruno Gabrielli, Product Manager…

1. When did you join the Bamboo Solutions team, and what is your role?

I joined the team at the beginning of June 2014. I am a Product Manager, which means I contribute to all stages of a product’s lifecycle: planning, development, launch, and maintenance. My aim is to help ensure that Bamboo’s products (both old and new) are consistently top-notch and are best serving our clients.

2. What are your personal goals regarding your position for the next year?

I have two broad goals for my first year at Bamboo: to develop a deeper understanding of the SharePoint market and our client’s needs while providing maximum utility to my fellow Product Managers and the rest of the Bamboo team.

3. What’s your professional background?

My academic background is in Economics and Political Science. My previous roles included program management at an environmental non-profit, tracking the spread of infectious diseases for a startup company, and translating metadata for the World Digital Library project. I also have experience with SharePoint site administration, and web design, as well as some basic programming and app development.

4. What prompted you to join the Bamboo team?

I was in search of a role that would allow me to leverage my general skillset, my technical expertise, and my creative eye. Bamboo’s diversity of products, focus on SharePoint, and collaborative work culture seemed like the perfect fit for me. Admittedly, the unanimous appreciation for good food was a welcome perk, as well.

5. What were some of your first impressions of working at Bamboo?

The team has been extraordinarily welcoming and helpful. I was also struck by the openness of planning and operations, with everyone’s input being valued and encouraged. The focus on making sure we are providing the best quality of products and services to our clients is exactly the kind of atmosphere I was looking for.

6. With over 70 products to learn, do you feel overwhelmed?  What’s your strategy for getting up to speed?

The number of products was a bit daunting at first, but we have excellent resources at our disposal for getting up to speed. My strategy is pretty straightforward: reading through the descriptions and documentation, testing out the products, and asking questions whenever they arise.

7. Other than your deep and abiding love of extending SharePoint, what interests or hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

My interests include creating visual art and animations, cooking and baking, making music, hiking, playing disc golf, and video games.