New Bamboo Shop, a (r)evolutionary experience!

You might have seen it, or you might have said, “Hasn’t Bamboo always had an online store?” but this week, we quietly launched a new online Bamboo Shop! What does this mean? How did we get here? Let’s take a moment and use this blog to lay out the history of Bamboo’s online store.

First, there was Store, this was a custom-built experience that Bamboo launched many years ago to facilitate a one-stop shop to purchase licenses, renew maintenance, and access support. It was nifty but very, very custom. It also housed a lot of customer data in it, which necessitated its continued use and created a bit of a “stuck.” It has all of the historical information on what you ordered and when.

In 2018, we launched My.Bamboo which was going to serve the needs of our new subscriptions for both cloud and on-premises products. Also built with custom code, it did not provide the features and experience that a global customer expects when dealing with Bamboo, and, subscriptions ultimately did not work for our SharePoint add-on products.

Late last year, we went back to the drawing board and started to build out our new Shop using world-class products tied to our website. The requirements were simple: provide a trusted experience to easily purchase perpetual licenses to all of our products and suites and tie the experience to our website. Additional requirements were to migrate existing Store information to this new home so all of our maintenance renewals could be managed from one spot. All software delivery/downloads had to be tied to our back-end development environment so it followed our release practices. We also wanted the process to be as automated as the customer wants and to support interaction with Bamboo as a customer may need.

Well, we launched last week, and we did not have to wait long before the orders started coming in. We are very excited about the new and look forward to maturing the experience over the years to come. Next up, in addition to our Azure sandbox trials, are bringing bring back on-premises trials right from our new Shop!