New and Improved Features in the Latest Release of Chart Plus Web Part

Here’s a summary of the new features you can try out in the latest release of  Chart Plus:

Overhauled chart settings and user interface, improved User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

Well, first of all, we’ve expanded on space and redesigned the entire interface so that navigation is quick, easy, logical, and convenient. In Chart Settings, each function is arranged according to the group. You can format numbers, group, and aggregate data, and display global currency symbols directly from the chart settings. A preview is shown on the right pane.

Ability to connect to lists or libraries across sites and sites collections

With the new release, you can connect to lists or libraries in different sites on the same site collection. No more awkward limitations to the same site!

Improved data source filtering criteria in the chart settings

You now benefit from having the right conditions for each data type to filter data.

For example:

  • TEXT (Single Line, Multiple Line, etc.): Equal, Not Equal, Begin With, Contains, Is Empty, Is Not Empty operators
  • NUMBER/CURRENCY: Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Between, Not Between operators
  • DATE/DATE-TIME: Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Between, Not Between, Is Empty, Is Not Empty operators

Added Scatter, Radar, Funnel, and Polar chart types

In the new release, we also rearranged chart types into groups to help you choose your preferred chart easily. Additionally, we have four new chart types for a broader range of options.

Improved data and legend label display options

If you want to change colors or highlight specific data in a specific way, this version makes it easy.

Expanded Data Type number formats

New features include decimal places, 1000 separators, negative numbers, and global currency symbols.

Improved styling options for chart visual elements

In addition to the selection of individual colors to represent graphs, we have more color-based themes, based on Kendo customization themes. This allows for really outstanding chart visuals, with a range of light to dark colors.

Toggle gridlines and tick mark displays on the axes

Typically, charts have two axes which are used to categorize (X-Axis) and measure (Y-Axis). To make it easier to view and evaluate data, you can use gridlines to space horizontal and vertical lines in a chart. Tick marks are small lines of measurement, similar to divisions on a ruler. These can be displayed or hidden, as you wish.

Option to export charts to PDF or SVG image

For exporting data, there is an Excel file default. In the new release, we added two files, including PDF and Images (SVG), for exportation to use in emails and presentations

Improved Chart Preview Pane

In the latest release, you can configure changes in real-time, without having to access a different preview window (Older versions opened a pop-up window each time you needed to preview).