Looking Forward to Discussing Knowledge Management with SharePoint at SHARE Next Week

We will be up bright and early on the third day of SHARE: The SharePoint Conference for Business Users, Wednesday, April 25, for Bamboo’s breakfast and coffee talk, From Simple Search to Knowledge Management: Getting the Answers You Need from SharePoint. In our breakfast session, I will provide insight into how we share knowledge internally at Bamboo and also share with you how some of our customers use our tools to enhance their knowledge management processes. SharePoint provides an excellent platform for knowledge management out of the box; contrary to some beliefs, it’s not very hard to get started.

I am looking forward to getting feedback from you and learning more about what others are doing to get the answers they need from SharePoint. I enjoy talking to business people using SharePoint to achieve actual, tangible results, and I’d like to invite you to join the discussion next Wednesday morning. We can learn so much from each other as we share our SharePoint experiences.

SHARE is a great place to learn new things and collect great ideas. I hope to see you there!