List Rollup: How to Fix the Issue of Missing Resources in Settings

This is how you fix the issue of missing resources in settings for List Rollup. This is an annoying problem that has an easy fix.

Go to “Central Administration”. In the section “List Rollup” (LRU), click the link “List Rollup Settings”. You should be confronted with the unwelcome warning:

The issue is that the folder App_GlobalResources is missing resource files from the LRU Application Setting. So, how to fix it? Here’s the workaround solution that can handle this issue quickly:

  1. Run the Command Prompt as administrator
  2. Type this command: cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\BIN

And then, type this: stsadm.exe -o copyappbincontent

After following these simple steps, the LRU Settings should work as expected.

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