How to Use Like and Star Ratings for List Items in SharePoint 2013

In order to further enhance how we collaborate in SharePoint, Microsoft has developed a host of social networking features for SharePoint 2013 that help us stay connected and access relevant content.  In this article, we’ll introduce SharePoint 2013’s updated options for rating list items and show you how to view an item’s rating summary.

1. Turn on Rating Settings of a list:

  • In List Settings, select Rating Settings to enable the rating function:

  • In Rating Settings, under Allow items in this list to be rated, click Yes:

  • In the Ratings Settings, you have two options for how users can rate items:
    • Likes, for users to simply give an item their stamp of approval
    • Star Ratings, for users to give an item a specific rating within a specified range

The main difference between the two items is that Likes are a bit more forthright, in that you either like an item or you do not, period.  With the Star Ratings setting, however, users are given a bit more range (from 0-5) in which to provide their feedback.

2. Using Likes for an item:

After you have enabled ratings and selected Likes as your users’ rating experience, you will see a new column in the list where users can check Like, as pictured below:

3. Using star ratings for an item:

After you have enabled ratings and selected Star Ratings for your users’ rating experience, you will see a new column in the list where users can rate an item using stars as pictured below:

Michael Greth [SharePoint MVP]
SharePoint Kaffeetasse 292
on Tue, Mar 12 2013 1:14 PM

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