Lack of Recent Content on Our SharePoint 2013 Blog? That’s About to Change, in a Big Way

It may appear as if our faithful SharePoint 2013 bloggers have largely taken a hiatus for the last month, but let me assure you that appearances are not only deceiving in this case but that there is very much a method to the seeming laziness.

As you may have read over on the Team Blog, we’re on the very cusp of releasing the first of several waves of Bamboo products for SharePoint 2013. Consequently, while working their “day jobs” (as designers, software engineers, QA engineers, etc.), our dedicated SharePoint 2013 bloggers have been enmeshed in readying those products for release, working at an absolutely feverish pace to get them into the hands of our early-adopting customers.

But they’ve also been doing something else alongside those efforts: stockpiling SharePoint 2013 product release announcement posts, as well as a host of posts including how-tos, use cases, and best practices for those same products.  Meanwhile, the Bamboo editorial team has been busily readying that flood of posts for publication.

And guess what?  The dam is going to break very soon, and you can expect to see that flood of content begin appearing here as the related products see release. Soon enough, we’ll also return to providing the same level of valuable content for the out-of-the-box SharePoint 2013 platform, just as our bloggers have done since the inception of this blog in the summer of 2012.

Brace yourself.  It might get loud…