Importance Of Knowledge Sharing In Your Company

Knowledge Sharing is Key

At Bamboo Solutions, we deliver many products that can bring organizations together to assist in resolving the knowledge-sharing barriers or information silos that seem all too prevalent in small and large organizations. These information silos…They cost A LOT!  In productivity, budget, and duplication of effort. We are no different than your organization or your employees. We too have important information hidden within the experiences of employees and one-off customer interactions. A knowledge-sharing base provides an opportunity to centralize important information and share knowledge within an organization in a way that promotes discovery, applicability, and de-duplication in efforts.

Everyone at our company is certified as a Scrum Master. We truly believe in the agility of scrum and the impact that we can have when we move methodically, consistently, and with complete knowledge sharing across the current subject matter. We believe so much in this idea of knowledge-sharing across the team that internally, it is our true belief that our knowledge-sharing solution is exactly how we maintain a unified voice in our communication both internally and externally. Our scrum practices provide a continuous flow of thoughts and ideas to generate and share knowledge base articles and information. I mean, all of our employees work on a two-week sprint cycle. The development team, the services team, the operations and sales, and the marketing team. We are producing massive amounts of new knowledge-sharing articles every two weeks as I’m sure many of you are out there in your busy daily work lives. Without a centralized place to put that explicit knowledge, it gets lost in the mix. In the, “I meant to tell you that”, and the “I’ll get that to John when I have a minute”. It is very important to keep track of the information that you promise to your fellow employees, and knowledge sharing is how information can be tracked

You must build your knowledge share into your processes as your culture and company depend on it. We believe it does. At Bamboo Solutions, we provide a Knowledge Base solution that we have developed through iterations of our own experiences. Our Knowledge Base solutions are available for Office 365 and SharePoint On-Premises. Both of these present you with the capabilities to organically generate articles through collaboration and questions presented by your team(s)/users. These questions generate discussion and promote knowledge sharing internally and more than likely result in an article being added to the backlog of Knowledge Base content to be written. This natural process of asking questions and sharing knowledge leads to new discussions which lead to new article generation/ And that type of knowledge sharing is a home run for us. And we truly believe that knowledge sharing will be important for you and your people too. Teams that share knowledge…Are teams that succeed.