Knowledge Management with M365 – A Case Study

Over the coming months, we will be highlighting several of our customers whose M365 solutions were implemented by our Bamboo Solutions team. These success stories highlight the business benefits of a full-featured M365 solution. Along with the ways Bamboo products have transformed their SharePoint Online experience.

Effective solutions can be quick and easy.  As an example, adding Bamboo’s Tree View to replicate the familiar Windows Folder navigation for your document library. More complex solutions may include creating a custom approval process with Power Automate integrated with Microsoft Teams.

Bamboo Solution’s first case study shows how the Bamboo Consulting team addressed a large and growing company’s knowledge management issues by leveraging the power of M365. Files and information stored across multiple repositories were consolidated into SharePoint Online. This solution included the creation of a corporate portal. A review/inventory of the existing document repositories, and the development of a migration plan. This plan addressed security and controls as well as the addition of metadata to simplify data searches.

Document Management utilizing SharePoint Online is a natural fit for any organization. If you are looking to get control of your documents, give us a call, we would be happy to help.