Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator: New SharePoint 2010 Release Offers Improved Performance and Usability

Centralized. Expert verified. Supervisor approved. Format standardized. Turn-key solution. These are just a few of the terms that describe Bamboo’s knowledge management solution, Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator (KBSA). KBSA provides end users with published, expert certified corporate knowledge in the form of articles, grouped categories, and searchable based on associated metadata.

In the latest release, marked as Release 2.2, Bamboo has improved performance and usability. (NOTE: The following updates are available only for the SharePoint 2010 version of KBSA.)

With improved performance in the KB Tree View, users can quickly navigate through the various categories of related articles  expanding and collapsing the nested levels.

Another leap forward for the Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator is the method of displaying the articles to the end users. Now when end users open an article from the three different methods of locating articles (browsing for articles navigating the categories, searching for articles, and via the tag cloud), the articles are now displayed in a new pop-up window called a modal window:


Already a proud owner of the Knoweldge Base Solution Accelerator? Follow these simple steps to upgrade:

Haven’t checked out the Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator yet? There are two convenient options available, and both are offered free of charge:

  • Public Sandbox: This is a great option if you just want to try out the product immediately without investing much in the way of either time or resources.
  • On-premises Trial: Like all Bamboo products, Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator comes with a fully-functional 30-day trial that you can install into your local deployment. To retrieve the trial, jump over to the Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator product page and click Add Trial to Cart.

Please share your thoughts on the latest release in the Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator forum.