Just the Right Amount of Information Helps the Medicine Go Down

Providing users with just the right amount of information, and not overloading them with anything extraneous, is often for the best. With Cross-Site Display Web Part, users can display Lists and Libraries, not only across sites, but even Site Collections, providing the various views they’re already comfortable with (standard, Calendar, and Gantt). Now, with the release of  version 1.2, designers configuring the Web Part can even define the default view and lock it in so users can’t change it. Cool, eh? Here’s how you do it:

You’re probably already familiar with Bamboo’s ultra-friendly settings interface for many of our products, where settings are displayed in a slick pop-up window:

If you look closely, in the General Settings category, you will see a new option: Select Default View.  This is a drop down menu of all public views associated to the selected list. Select the view you want to load when the Web Part renders:

Next you can define if the Full Toolbar is displayed, allowing users to access the New [Item] menu, Actions menu, and, if they have the correct permissions to the list, the Settings menu.  You can further select if the List View drop down menu is displayed, or hidden from the user:

Interested in a real-world scenario for Cross-Site Display Web Part? Jump over and view the humorously titled Who Would Have Thought that Eating your own Dog Food Could Taste so Good?. Ready to give Cross-Site Display Web Part a try on your own?  Go to the Cross-Site Display Web Part product page and select Add Trial to Cart from the product banner.