Joe Herres to Stage the ‘Mobility Showdown: App vs. Web & Other Controversial Topics’ at SPLF 2013

Bamboo’s relationship with H3 Solutions goes back a number of years, to a time when their revolutionary Mobile Entrée product was brand-new to the market. Consequently, when the time came to decide who we would invite to speak on the topic of mobility at SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013, the decision to extend an invitation to H3 co-founder and Executive Vice President of Product Joe Herres was an easy one.

Responsible for the direction and execution of all products and services at H3, Joe brings over 14 years of experience in the Web and IT industrieswith the last seven dedicated exclusively to SharePointto the SPLF stage. A patented inventor, he has extensive experience in user interface concepts, designs, and development. He has been involved in developing mobile solutions since 2002, from MMS content delivery servers to traditional mobile apps and HTML 5 mobile Web apps.

In his own words, here is Joe’s description of his SPLF session:

According to Gartner, 70 percent of mobile professionals will conduct their work on a personal smart device by 2018. One of the main obstacles for businesses moving towards this “Bring Your Own Device” mobile
strategy is supporting the plethora of devices and operating systems available to their employees. Joe will examine two approaches to mobilizing SharePoint features in a BYOD environment: traditional, native applications, and HTML 5 Web apps. Each approach has its strengths. Native applications often have increased functionality, while Web apps are more cost-effective to deploy and maintain. Find out which approach is best for your organization in this in-depth dive into SharePoint mobility.

Space is limited, so register for free today to secure yourself a seat in Washington, D.C. on 11/6, or Atlanta, Georgia on 11/7 (and to see the complete lineup of speakers and their sessions, including keynote speaker Dux Raymond Sy). Free registration is also open for SPLF Dusseldorf, Germany on 11/12, and you may visit the official site to register, see speakers, etc. in German or in English.