Introducing ‘The Bottom-Line PM: A Realist’s Guide to Using SharePoint and Microsoft Project for Project Management’

It gives me great pleasure to announce that we'll be launching a new Bamboo Nation blog tomorrow morning.  I'm so anxious to share it with you, in fact, that I'm going to offer a sneak peek at the introductory post … but first, please allow me to provide a little background to set the table if I may.

Last month, I was on a call with SharePoint MVP Dux Raymond Sy (well known to Bamboo Nation readers for his SharePoint for Project Management articles over the years), and we were discussing a variety of upcoming initiatives between Bamboo and Innovative-e, where Dux is a Managing Partner.  During the call, Dux introduced me to his colleague, Pamela Flora, who was assisting Dux on several of his projects.  Pamela is relatively new to SharePoint and, during the conversation, Dux recommended that she check out my SharePoint Blank blog, in which I documented my own SharePoint learning curve on a daily basis over several years. 

Working with Dux at Innovative-e as she is, Pamela is not only getting a crash course in SharePoint, but she's also beginning a learning curve with Microsoft Project and related project management tools and terminology.  Given the trajectory of the conversation, it didn't take long for the idea to come up that Pamela (a technical writer by trade) should start a blog, in the SharePoint Blank tradition, to document her project management learning process, and to share her discoveries along the way.  Happily, Pamela was game to participate, and both Dux and Pamela agreed to allow Bamboo Nation to be the home of the new blog.

All that was left at that point was for Pamela to start blogging, and for us to come up with a name for the new blog.  We decided to call Pamela's blog The Bottom-Line PM: A Realist's Guide to Using SharePoint and Microsoft Project for Project Management, and, having had the pleasure of reading Pamela's first couple of entries already, I can assure you that you'd be hard-pressed to find a more welcoming, or more compulsively readable blog on the topic of learning the ins and outs of project management on SharePoint anywhere.

So without further ado, and in advance of the "official" blog launch tomorrow morning, here's a sneak peek at Pamela's first post, Project Management for the Rest of Us.  Enjoy that introductory post, as I'm sure you will, and be sure to return every Tuesday morning for a new installment of The Bottom-Line PM: A Realist's Guide to Using SharePoint and Microsoft Project for Project Management.