Introducing Dave Chennault, Co-author of ‘SharePoint Development and Governance Using COBIT 4.1: A Practical Approach’

One of the joys of my position as Managing Editor at Bamboo is the frequency with which qualified SharePoint professionals drop me a line in order to introduce themselves.  Another of the joys of my position is when those same SharePoint pros don't hesitate to also offer to introduce themselves to Bamboo Nation in the form of a guest blog or (even better yet) a series of guest blogs.

‘SharePoint Development and Governance Using COBIT 4.1: A Practical Approach’ front cover image

And so, in the midst of an even-more-hectic-than-usual week last week, it was a particular pleasure to receive an introductory email from Dave Chennault.  Dave introduced himself as the co-author (with Chuck Strain) of the just-published book, SharePoint Development and Governance Using COBIT 4.1: A Practical Approach, and generously offered to do some guest blogging for Bamboo Nation.  Over the course of the emails we went on to exchange, Dave suggested a number of possible subjects he might explore in a guest blog series and, though I was already hooked based purely on Dave's offer to share his governance expertise with Bamboo Nation, when he wrote the following, I knew that this series couldn't begin soon enough:

There are so many interesting things going on around BPOS, the iPAD and, of course, Governance.  For example, did you know that you can specify which server(s) in a farm should run sandbox solutions in SharePoint 2010?  We just hit a snag in a big deployment and found out that it might make sense to start architecting in another server in the farm to only run sandbox solutions.  Who knew?  And then Office Live and the iPad – what does that mean?  We are playing with ways to leverage SharePoint and the iPad and what you need to think about if that is in your plans.

So stay tuned for Dave's guest blogs right here in the Bamboo Team Blog.  If all goes according to plan, those posts should start appearing by month's end but, in the meantime, why not check out the excerpts from SharePoint Development and Governance Using COBIT 4.1: A Practical Approach which are currently available for your perusal in the TechNet library … or just pick up your own copy of the book today.