Introducing Bamboo Nation’s SharePoint 2013 Blog

It's my pleasure to announce the arrival of the newest member of the Bamboo Nation family of blogs: our just-launched SharePoint 2013 Blog.

The inaugural offering from the new blog is a terrific post by Quang San, providing step-by-step instructions on How to Add an App from the SharePoint Store to Your SharePoint 2013 Site.  With the public Beta of Office 2013 now available, in the coming days and weeks, you can expect to see an increasing amount of content being posted to the new blog, and longtime readers of Bamboo Nation wouldn't be wrong to guess that a veritable avalanche of content will begin appearing in conjunction with November's Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2012.

In addition to a variety of wholly new SharePoint 2013-specific content, we plan to bring you updates to the content we've been providing in our SharePoint 2010 Blog over the past few years, detailing what's new and different with regard to the relevant topics as they appear in the latest and greatest version of the platform, SharePoint 2013.